Chapter Ten

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Hi, minna!!~ okay, so since this book is getting more and more reads, there are people that have been commenting and voting (Its only like 3-5 main people that vote, but still) so I'm not going to deticate chapters for those reason anymore, unless I really really want to.




~Natsu's POV~

I woke up from my sleep and felt a sudden sharp sting in my arm. I looked down and saw that it was still burned from my fire. I sat up and looked around. I'm at Lucy's place.

"LUCY!!??" I called out.

"What is it, Natsu!?" She was yelling from the kitchen.

"While you're at the kitchen, can you make me some food?!" I yelled back.

"Geez, you really need to learn how to make your own food sometimes. That idiot..." Lucy said to herself.

"I heard that!"

"Damn their stupid advanced hearing sense."

"I heard that too!"

"Shut up, Natsu."

"I heard that, again!"

"You were supposed to!!"

~Lucy's POV~

I went in the kitchen after kicking Mira and Lisanna out of my house. Then I heard Natsu yelling for food. You already know how this goes.

I came out of the kitchen holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a spoon beside the bowl. I walked into my bedroom and placed the tray on a small table beside my bed (I forgot what it's called, sorry).

I grabbed a chair and sat beside my bed to where Natsu was lying down.

"Hey Luce," Natsu said without looking at me.

"What?" I answered getting the bowl of soup and spoon.

"Why is it so hot in here?"

"What are you talking about? It's almost winter outside, it's freezing."

"Well then why is it so ho--" Natsu was interrupted by me forcing a spoon full of soup in his mouth.

"It's freezing, Natsu. You're lucky your body temperature is always high." I said as I took the spoon out of his mouth and scooped up some soup.

"Yeah, I know that my body is always hot, but it's just hotter than usual."

"You know how many people will take that the other way?"

"What do you mean?"

"It sounds like your calling yourself hot, idiot."

"Well, it just sounded like you called me a hot idiot."

"Shut up, Natsu."

"Wha--?" Natsu was once again interrupted by, yes that's right, me forcing a spoon full of soup in his mouth.

"I told you to shut up." I took the spoon out of his mouth.

"Umm... This is... Uh, some really good soup." He said awkwardly.

"We didn't get to the 'good' part yet."

"What good part?"

"Ok, Natsu, say ahh~"

"What the fu--" I forced another spoon full of soup, but this time the soup was supposed to taste awful.

Wanna know why?

Because it's medicine.

I took the spoon out of his mouth, once more. He looked at me with that face that Gray, Wendy and Loke have when they eat dried plums.

"What wrong, idiot?" I had an evil smile on my face.

"L-Luce..." He whimpered.

"What is it, idiot."

"Why does it taste so bad."

"Because it's medicine, idiot."

"Why do you keep calling me idiot?"

"Because you are one."

"Haha you forgot to call me an idi--"


"Damn you."

I stood up and randomly slapped his bad arm.

"Ow, Luce, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Natsu said shocked and confused.

"How badly does that hurt?" I asked him seriously.

"Not really that bad...?" I could tell he was still confused.

"Good. Then the medecation worked!!" I smiled and dragged him out of my bed.


"Shut up, idiot."

"I'm getting revenge myself because of how many times you called me an idiot."

I watched Natsu walk out of my room then slowly to the door. He looked back with an evil smile, then looked straight and walked out of my apartment. I have a bad feeling about this.

That's when I heard the most embarrassing thing ever.




How was that???

Any ideas on what will happen next?



Maybe so?

Whatever. I'm thinking of doing a Fairy Tail Instagram thing that will include all of my favorite ships.

Should I start a new book like that?

I'm having second thoughts about it, soooo... Yeah.

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now