7 | What Does It Matter, If I Break Trying To Achieve It

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Alec's POV:
It's been two weeks since Zaire came over, and I can't help but think she's become more closed off since that time. She doesn't talk to me unless I talk to her, and when I do talk to her she seems like she would rather be doing anything else. I wonder what happened.

Was it something I did? What could I have done that would warrant this kind of reaction? Was I being too invasive? I probably was wasn't I? I just wanted her to be honest for once. Ugh! Why do I always offend people? Is this just a sign that I shouldn't have friends?

"Alec," I hear Mr. Walsh say "your interim." Oh right I get up and get my report card, and try to get Zaire's attention. I tried making making a funny face but she didn't see me. We make weird faces all the time in math or at least we used to.

There was this one time when we had to compare limits. Her face was the embodiment of no. It was hilarious. I was snickering so much I got in trouble after class. I miss those moments. It made school worth going to. 

I sit down and open my interim. "I'm screwed," I whisper. "I'm so screwed." My parents are definitely going to kill me. To a normal person my grades would be excellent, but my parents are not normal people.

I'll never forget one time I brought a B home I was grounded for 6 months. My parents expect nothing less than a 95, and I have a 90 in Calculus (more like Calc-kill-us).

What am I going to do? As soon as I get home they're going to demand to see my interim. I'll never be able to go out again. I probably won't be able to meet up with Zaire either (even if she's their business partner's daughter and it would boost relationships with their partners).

Our friendship is already draining what should I do? Why can't I please my parents for once?

Zaire's POV:
Alec looks really sad it's bothering me. I'm not the cause right? I know it's wrong of me to close myself off, but I don't have a choice. He keeps invading my mind. I got to get him out he's not needed there.

It's my fault isn't it. God why can't I do anything right? I should just apologize, he doesn't deserve this.

"Hey Alec," I say. Alec's head snaps up he turns to look at me. There's remnants of sadness in his face, but he looks sort of happy.

"On a scale of one to ten. Ten being horrible, five being calm, and one being wonderful where are you right now?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a little tired," he's lying again, but then again who doesn't lie when asked that question.

"Um I l'm a solid nine."

"What happened?"

"My grades. They aren't good enough for my parents, so I'm probably not going to be able to do anything but school related things. "

"Oh. I'm so sorry."


"Hey. If it makes you feel better I'm in the same boat."

"Oh. You're parents are strict about grades too?"

"Yeah they have to be a 97 or higher. I have a 91, so I'm screwed too."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey you don't need to apologize. Besides maybe my parents and your parents will be leniant," I say which causes him to laugh. Which cause me to laugh. It's a good feeling you know making people laugh.

"Yeah maybe and maybe the sun will turn turquoise," he says in a joking tone

He's not sad anymore which I'm happy about. I should apologize now.

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