17 | The Greatest Love Stories Don't Have Happy Endings

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*again we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to return to once again the amazing and mysterious Unknown POV.*

"I don't know why but something tells me I should be wary of this Rose character," Grim says.

"Ok first of all why are you saying character instead of person? It's like you're implying we're in a book. Second of all you shouldn't be wary of her," I say.

"Okay but when do you two get together?"

"We're getting there."

"Yeah you've been saying that but when are we going to get there. When are we going to find out how you died. When are you two actually going to get together. The story is taking so long."

"Patience young grasshopper. You're starting to sound like a little kid who constantly asks are we there yet. And I asked you if you were willing to hear my story."

"Yeah I wanted the simplified and summarized version. Not the novel."

"Welp you're getting the novel version and you're going to have to deal with it!"

"Why are you berating me like I'm five? I'm way older than you. By thousands of years."

"Yeah I know...wait thousands of years. How old are you?"

"I've been here since before the beginning of time. I've talked with with people like George Washington and Saladin. Alexander the Great and Nero. I guess you could say I've heard it all. From the failings of empires to relationships. I have an extensive knowledge of history."

"Oh I would love to hear the stories. Why do you care about mine? You've conversed with all of the important people in history!"

"Well not all of them. I have never talked to Hitler or Genghis Khan or..."

"Alright I get it but still. Why me?"

"Because I'm a hopeless romantic and I enjoy a good love stories," Grim says with sarcasm. "It's because in my opinion The Greatest Love Stories Don't Have Happy Endings. But enough side tracking get on with the story."

"Ok so where was I oh yeah Rose. So she walked in and..."

Alec's POV:
"So that is why you never want to sit in the middle of the bleacher section during our pep rallys."

"Duly noted," Rose says laughing. "Thanks for showing me around school Alec."

"No problem," I say. "Back when I was in elementary school I switched school a lot, so I know what it's like to be the new kid. It can kind of difficult."

"Well it's nice to know I have a friend here," she says linking her arm with mine.

"Yeah," I say trying not to be awkward. Did this make us friends? I was just trying to be nice. "Well here's homeroom again. Thank you for choosing the Oak Park High School Express. I'm your tour guide Alec and fwi I accept tips."

"Thank you tour guide Alec I have no money on me currently but I can give my time."

"Usually I don't except that type of payment but for you I will."

"It's a date I'll see you later," she says laughing then walks to her seat.

"Yeah see you...wait what? That's not what I meant..." I trail off since she's already left.

I'll just let her know later. I already have somebody on my mind and it is not her. I walk to my seat and sit down.

"Hey Zaire what did I miss?"

"Well Mr. Walsh is making us do problems from the good old text book," she says pointing at it.

"God I hate that book. And I never hate books it's just the fact that it has math in it."

"I understand let's see...well you also missed the review of the homework, but I checked your paper for you. So you're good."


"Yeah you're not out of the dark just yet we still have more classes left and don't say anything about me being a ball of sunshine."

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

"Yeah you've been saying it all morning. You also missed me wanting to drop out of this class because I'm never going to use this in life. But then I realized my parents wouldn't let me so...yeah."

"I get it."

"Anyway that's about it. What did I miss while you were out with Rose," she said with an almost bitter tone. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was jealous.

"Well I just showed her around school. I learned that she's from California but she moved here because her parents found jobs here. She also wants to become a painter when she gets older."

"That's great! Another person who cares about the arts."

"Yep. Um I also invited her to sit with us at lunch. I probably should have asked you first about it thinking back on it now."

"That's fine the more the merrier right?"

"I guess we will see if it's true at lunch."

"We will. Now let's start working on our work before Mr. Walsh throws a fit."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

*time skip to lunch

"Okay so since she's not here yet can we talk about what happened on Saturday," Zaire says.

"What happened," I say trying to be funny.

"You're not funny Alec," she says glaring at me.

"Okay. Okay well...as I'm sure you are now aware. I like you Zaire Rowe. I really like you."

"And I like you Alec Cohen."

"So if I like you and you like me that makes us..."

"It makes us..." she says her beautiful mix-matched blue eyes widening.

"Boyfriend and Girlfriend," I say in a questioning tone. "Will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend?"


"Hey Alec," Rose says. "Oh sorry did I interrupt something.

"Um kind of," I say trying not to be rude.

"Oh I'm so sorry I'll go," she says scurrying away.

"You didn't have to do that you know. The answer was obviously yes."

"Yeah but we were in the middle of something important."

"We were I guess," she says getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Rose of course. You need a new friend as bad as I do."

"But I have you."

"Yeah but you need more friends."

"What if I told you that you are enough."

"That's beside the point," Zaire says blushing

"Is it?"

"Yes. Now let's go recruit another friend."

"Lead the way," I say laughing.
Oh I'm so lucky to be her boyfriend.

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