15 | What's Your Tragedy

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Alec's POV:
Have you ever heard the saying 'I would prefer a harsh reality to a beautiful dream.'

Well I think it goes without saying that I clearly have heard it. However in this case, I had a beautiful reality. Which renders the saying obsolete thinking about it now.

Well anyway I'm still basking in the glory that was last night. Still thinking about the feel of her lips upon mine. How they fit together. How I could feel electricity running through my body. It was....

"I don't even think I know a word that could describe it."

You know having said that out loud I just realized how cliché that sounded. Like I'm one of the male leads in a romance book.

"Ha! Could you imagine that?"

My life's too boring for that to happen. I mean I'm 18 and I just had my first kiss.  I only have one friend and the closest thing I've done to having a teenage rebellion. Is missing curfew by five minutes.

I guess you could say I'm a real rebel. The kind of kid your parents warn you about.

'Yeah no. You need to get a life.'

'I know. I really do. But in order to get my grades they have these terms that require me to give up on most social interaction so can you blame me.'

Speaking of it's 8 PM and there's a six page essay due tomorrow and I've only finished(cried my way through) half of it. So I need to focus on finishing it.

'You work too hard just do it later.'

'That's a bad idea procrastination gets you no where. I'm not going to procrastinate tonight. I have too much to do. Plus Spring Break is relatively almost here.'

Just in case you guys are wondering the essays on how 'Great Expectations' revolutionized the literature world. God  do I have AP English. Why can't I just write a letter to someone who is changing the current world.

That would be nice. I just don't get it. Like yeah it's a great book a little lengthy but it's great. Why do I have to write a six page essay on it.

Charles Dickens decided to write a book one day. Now I have to write an essay about the book. And then my English teacher will write a report about my essay. The cycle of writing continues. And it all started with Charles. Gee thanks Charles.

That name's been tainted for me now. Charles. It sounds like the kind of guy who lives to show how smart they are. Maybe he was that kid.

Or what if he experienced exactly what I'm feeling. If he had to write essays about other books, then he decided to write a book that others will write essays about. I mean you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

I wouldn't mind writing a story about that. Charles Dickens: the real story and it's just him hating his teachers and deciding that one day he'll write a book and pass on the forced essay writing.

Maybe I'll write a book that other people will write essays about. Nah I'll leave that to someone else. I know what I'm going to do.

Alec's To Do list:

1. Finish this essay
2. Go to sleep
3. Keep my sanity
4. Be a great friend/maybe something more to Zaire
5. Make Music

I don't know how long it will take me to complete it. But one things for sure I am definitely going to. Well at least to the best of my ability. And I mean who knows maybe I won't completely screw them all up. Then again I usually do mess things up.

*Time Skip to the next morning*

"Beep. Beep. Beep," goes my annoying and treacherous alarm clock.

"Ugh! I don't want to go."

Yes I know it sounds childish but I loath school. Maybe I should stay. What's the worst that could happen if I skip school?

'You will miss two projects. Two essays. One book report. One test. And a lab plus a report for that lab.'

'Of course I will. Because my teachers do not believe in something called happiness.'

"Just one day. I would like to stay home for one day and not miss too much."

As I'm sure you can tell. I don't skip school. I haven't missed a single day of school since I was in 8th grade. That goes to show how little I do it.

But I just really need a break. And it's Monday. The most dreaded day of the week. It's just another reason why skipping today seems way more appealing.

Who decided that we were only going to get a two day weekend? Why did they get the authority to decide how most people's work week is? I just wanna know why?

Were they not aware of how short our weekend seems. Because Monday is so far from Friday. And Friday is so close to Monday.

'Well nothing is going to be accomplished if you just keep sitting here.'

'You are absolutely correct. Nothing will be accomplished but it makes me feel better.'

'Yeah. Well it just delays the inevitable. You are going to get out of bed. And you will get prepared for school. Like you always do. Like it's always been. Like it probably will probably always be.'

'Yeah. Yeah.'

I start to get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing.

Fun fact about toothpaste the Egyptians were supposedly some of the first people to use it. It may be true it may not so don't quote me. But I read it online during one of those lonely nights when I have nothing better to do.

After I finish my bathroom stuff I go to my bedroom to get dressed. I put on black jeans and a red hoodie, grab my backpack, and head downstairs.

"Good Morning mom," I say entering the kitchen.

"Good Morning Alec how did you sleep?"

"I slept well," that was straight up bs. I woke up five times last night after I stayed up to 2am finishing my essay. "How about you?"

"Wonderfully. Your father and I's business just got a surge of new customers. So I manage to get a great night's sleep."

"That's amazing mom! Well I gotta go," I say grabbing a banana and going outside to head to my car.

"Have a great day honey!"

"You too mom!"

I open the door and start the car. Time to get this show on the road.

*time skip*
I walk into first people my eyes looking for one person in particular.

"Hey Zaire!"

"Hey Alec," she says sounding a little nervous. "I have a weird question to ask."

"Well I love weird questions so shoot. Not literally of course."

"Glad to have that cleared up," she says in her beautiful sarcastic voice.

"Hey you never know."

"Right anyway. What's Your Tragedy?"

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