16 | It's Sad When The Person Who Gave You The Best Memories Becomes A Memory

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Zaire's POV:
I personally believe that a great way to get to know someone is asking weird questions. People always ask the standard

'How's it going? What's your favorite color? When's your birthday?'

That kind of thing. But asking people about what event or person has changed their life for better or worse gives you way more information.

And questions like that never get asked. So in my younger years I decided I would ask people about it. I would ask 'What's your tragedy?'

And I realized that I had yet to ask Alec that. So it's a great way to break the awkwardness we may have because of what happened over the weekend. Since we never really discussed what will happen because of it.

I mean are we still friends? Are we more than friends? Are we friends with benefits? Are we just going to ignore that it happened?

If you haven't noticed it kind of stressed me out over the weekend after the initial freaking out/cry fest moment. It was distracting me while I was trying to complete my essay.

Well anyway I need to talk to Alec about it and figure out what we are now. Some people may think I'm taking it too far but miscommunication and misunderstanding can seriously ruin relationships.

Whether they are platonic or not communication is important. My sister taught me that and I'll never forget it.

Anyway back to what I was originally talking about. I wonder what Alec's tragedy is?

"What's your tragedy," I ask.

"I'm confused exactly what do you mean?"

"What's someone or something that had a major impact on your life? A really negative one. Or what's something about yourself that has impacted your life in a negative way."

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine today."

"Hey give me a break it's Monday. And I barely got any sleep because of my essay."

"Oh yeah same here. I didn't really get any sleep either."

"Yeah... so what is it?"

"My what...oh tragedy right. Well I guess it would have to be when my mom had that miscarriage. It completely changed my family's dynamic."

"Oh shit," I say shocked because I was not expected that answer. "Alec I'm so sorry."

"No worries our relationships with each other have gotten better. It's only every once in a while that... well you know."

"Yeah..." I say gulping well now I definitely can't talk about what happened between us.

"Man I really killed the mood didn't I? I'm sorry."

"No I mean I did ask what was your tragedy and that's not a word to be taken lightly. You answered honestly what is exactly what I wanted. You have no reason to be sorry."

"I guess but still. Anyway moving on what's yours. What is Zaire Rowe's big tragedy?"

Well the sappy and hopeless romantic part of my heart wants to say my love for you. But I have dignity and that's just really embarrassing. Plus it wouldn't be true.

I've seen so many posts that are like 'what's worse than heartbreak?' Torture. Going to school oh wait that is torture.

Um studying really hard for a test and still failing. Studying in general. Stubbing your toe I could go on.

I actually wrote a list once it was six pages long single spaced. But honestly my tragedy is as I'm sure you can guess is...

"Zara. My sister's death had an immense impact on my life. It changed me as a person. She gave me so many wonderful memories. It's like the saying goes It's Sad When The Person Who Gave You The Best Memories Becomes A Memory."

"I know I've said this before but I'm really sorry and if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here."

"Thanks Alec. But it's okay. I know she wouldn't want me to sulk about it all the time and brood constantly."

I'm going to live my life the way Zara would want me too. Because that is the best way to honor her memory. And that starts with moving on.

So that's what I'm going to do.

"Hey Alec can we talk about what happened on Saturday?"

"Well I would love to there's just one thing."


"Class is about to start," he says then our teacher begins talking.

"Okay class today we have a new student joining us. Her name is Roselina Collins."

"Hello. I'm Roselina but I prefer Rose," a beautiful with red and green hair says.

Huh? She's coming in really late in the year. Well it doesn't matter to me. I mean the only person I talk to is Alec so what do I care.

"And I would like for one of you to show her around the school."

Immediately multiple hands shot up. Even mine. Whatever it takes to get out of class. I look to the side and see Alec raising his hand so high I'm surprised his arm is still attached to his body.

"Calm down he probably won't pick you."

"Again aren't you a ball of sunshine today. Let me have some hope."

"Fine but don't be upset when your dreams are crushed. I am just letting you know now so that later I can say I told you so."

"Alec can you please show Rose around school," Mr. Walsh says.

"Absolutely," he says then turns to me with a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry what was that about me not getting picked."

"Oh shut up and go be a tour guide."

"No need to be jealous," Alec says rising from his seat then going to Rose.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes. He's so lucky. Oh I wish I could have gone.

"Alright class time to take out your homework packet it's time to go over it."

God please help me.

*time skip*

After going over the ridiculously long homework packet. Mr. Walsh made us get our textbooks. So now I am currently trying to figure out compute limits.

"Ugh curse you Alec."

I hear a giggle and Alec and Rose walk in. Well speak of the devil...wait a minute.

Why is her hand on his arm? You know what maybe she sprained and her ankle and she can't walk properly or something like that. It makes sense.

'There is no need for me to overreact,' I think watching her laugh at something Alec just said. "No need at all."

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