11 | We're Just Lost Somewhere In Outer Space

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Alec's POV:
"Do you ever wonder if fate is real," Zaire asks.

"No. Not really. I mean I like to think that we all have a say in our lives. That there isn't some grand force that chooses our path for us," I reply.

"So you think We're Just Lost Somewhere In Outer Space. Well what if there is a grand force?"

"Well then I think it needs to make up its mind about whether it likes me or not."

"What do you mean?"

"Like... for example my grades on my interim caused some problems for me. Then again I got to meet you which is something that has given me some happiness," I say blushing a little.

'Please don't let her notice,' I say in my head.

"Yes! It's working," Zaire says in an extremely happy voice


"You just said meeting me has given you happiness. And that means I'm one step closer to my goal."

"You're really trying aren't you?"

"Well of course I always try to keep my promises."

"You don't need to do this you know."

"Well I want to," she says sounding a little frustrated.

"Ok. I'll stop," I say trying to not upset her anymore.

"Sorry it's just. I mean you're my friend so of course I want to make you happy. You know?"

"Yeah. I get it." And I really do it's just... I don't want her to be disappointed just in case it doesn't work.

"Hey. Alec I need to head back home. It's almost 9 and my curfew is 9:30," Zaire says.

"Okay no problem. I need to head home as well," I say. I'm kind of sad though because tonight's over. That's the end of another five minute high. The end of another bout of happiness.

Zaire's promise is to give me "true happiness." What she doesn't know is, I'm not even sure what true happiness is.

"Goodbye Alec," she says walking away

"Goodbye Zaire. Have a great weekend."

I turn away and begin to walk home.

"It's really cold today," I say outloud to myself.

I checked the weather and it said it would be *50 degrees outside. It feels like 30. Well at least it's Autumn. Autumn is my favorite season. I like it because of the color scheme. The reds, browns, and yellows. The cooling of the temperatures. All in all it's great. Well except for school.

Speaking of school. There's no chance I'll be able to go to a college for music. It's going to be to become a doctor. Most likely a surgeon. Because according to countless tests I've taken, I would be fit for it. But being a surgeon isn't fit for me. Anyway, my grades on my interim have set this in stone.

I was lucky that my parents were nice enough to not throw away my instruments. The thing is, in addition to medical schools I applied to one for music and didn't tell my parents.

Soooooo when my parents find out they'll be understandably livid. They will most likely burn the letters that they will send that have anything that remotely deals with music.

"Why did I do that," I say opening the door to my parents house. Maybe I can sneak upstairs without my parents saying anything. I rush up the stairs as quietly as possible. Then I go to my room.

"Well at least I made it here with no trouble," I say.

I went to sit down on my bed but then I noticed a letter. Huh? I wonder who it's from?

Zaire's POV:
"And his color coded speak. Now we're lost somewhere in outer space. In a hotel room where demons play," I hum in my room.

I just adore Coming Down. I mean this is a song I shouldn't like but do even though I cannot relate in the slightest. It's just one of those songs I guess.

I only wish I had my phone and earbuds to listen to it. Thankfully there's only one more week. I talked to my parents about it after coming back from working on my "project." I can't wait to get them back. It's been difficult without them.

"Just a little while longer," I say to myself.

Oh! I should ask Alec if he still wanted to go to the movies. Since report cards come out soon, our punishments should be over and we should be free to go. Well hypothetically we should be free to go.

I'm not sure about Alec's parents, but I'm sure my parents will let me. I'll ask him soon. It's been a while since I've been to the movies. It's been at least three years. Zara and I used to go all the time. I guess I haven't been able to go since the accident.

I really miss her. She was a great sister. I remember when I was younger we would make candy apples every October. We stopped doing that when I went to middle school because we were just too busy.

I wish I could go back to those days. It was so simple. There was no pressure. I was good enough. I wasn't really worried about my future.

I mean I know what I want to do but what if it's a mistake? What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? There's so many unknowns. And it seems like I should know but I don't. I would like to have enough confidence to know I'm going to be fine but... Let's just say confidence isn't even in my vocabulary.

'Calm down you'll be fine,' the unknown voice in my head says.

'Oh! It's you again well at least this time you're advice makes some sense.'

'My advice always makes sense you just refuse to listen to it.'

'Because it's idiotic, absurd, preposterous.'

'You're just too scared.'

'No I'm not.'

'Keep telling yourself that.'

'Well you are a voice in my head so technically aren't I doing that?'

'Oh... Yeah I guess you are. Anyway don't worry so much. You're Zaire Aubrey Rowe you don't fail.'


'No buts you'll be...'

'Fine I know. Ok I'll listen to you for once.'

'Good now about that movie date...'

'Seriously and I was just starting to like you.'

"Zaire," I hear my dad say.

"Yes Dad."

"Come downstairs we need to talk to you."

Oh boy! They found out didn't they. I'm in so much trouble!

'Zaire! We just talked about this calm down.'

'Ok, I'll try,' I say. Then I open the door, and head downstairs wondering what awaits me.

*FWI it's Farenheit. Unfortunately I live in the U.S. so we don't use the metric system. According to google 50 degrees in farenheit is 10 degrees in Celsius. And 30 degrees is -1. Hope this helped.

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