4 | Love Means Falling And I'm Afraid Of Heights.

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Zaire's POV:
What if I told you that you're a social awkward person, and not worth hanging out with? What if I told you there was a guy even though he full well knows this still wants to hang out with you? What if I told you this was my reality?

Look I don't get it either I mean. I'm not a fun girl. I don't have spontaneous ideas. I don't have funny jokes or profound thoughts. I'm the kind of girl who ruins your favorite movie for you. I'm the kind of girl who laughs at all the most inappropriate times smiles when people fall.

I seriously don't get it. Why would he still be hanging out with me? I'm all for pure platonic guy-girl relationships, but something tells me that it's not. I might  be overreacting but I'm not a person who deserves something like that. I have too many flaws too many problems too many emotions that get out of control.

Besides that kind of thing has never been on my side. I live through the books that's about it. It doesn't matter if he's nice, and has hazel eyes, and beautiful hair, and honestly listens to what I have to say. Isn't a complete meathead, disagrees with the patriarchy. Loves the same things I do. Has such a lovely voice... Ok no.

"I am not going to get involved with *Freaking Romance! No matter who it is. It's way too complicated.

Alec's POV:
Alright have you ever had a really great friend, but have no idea what you did  to have them want to be friends with you? I'm in that situation right now.  Seriously I don't understand how this girl has put up with me this long. I'm not interesting. I'm not insanely funny.  I'm a mess that's what I am. So why would this wonderful girl want to spend her time with me?

It's definitely not because she likes me. Right? Nah why would she. She shows no sign that she does. Even if she does Zaire doesn't seem like the type of girl who wants to date. She's very ambitious even more than me. I don't think she would want a relationship to distract her from starting her career.

I admire that in her. It makes me want to do better than I'm already doing. Maybe it'll rub off on me. She's really passionate about music. It's not hard to see why. She is an amazing singer. We should team up one day. I play the notes she sings the lyrics it would be beautiful. No I'm just getting carried away.

What's really important is why I hang out with her. I guess it's be because even though she tries to hide it she seems lonely. I mean it seems like she's hiding from something. Like she's guilty and she can't get close to anyone because of it.

She's isolating herself on purpose, but she wants to have friends. I'm probably thinking way too hard into this. I'll just stay her friend as long as she lets me. Hopefully it will be all of senior year and maybe...

Well I shouldn't push it. I should be happy if we manage to stay friends through this month. Besides like I said she doesn't seem like the type to date.

And I really shouldn't try to be in a relationship. They're too messy, and leave a lot of confusion. It would be best to stay clear of those feelings.

The last time I was interested in someone. I got completely unfocused and my music suffered. My grades were slipping it wasn't a good time. I don't need that. I should keep this friendship platonic, and be a good friend. Neither of us have time for a relationship.

Zaire with her singing career, and me with my music career. Maybe in the future our career will take off and we'll be able to do music together. One time only "Zaire and Alec," kind of has a nice ring to it.

Anyway I should probably do something to cheer her up. I mean that's not too weird. Right? I've asked her what's one of her favorite things to do. She said that she loved to go Tony's. It's a convenience store she likes to get the soda there then go to the pier. I loved to do that when I was younger. I'm just too busy to do it now. It would be nice to go back though.

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