I Have Always Loved You. (1)

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Avi's POV

"Hey guys, can you give us a minute?" I asked gently.

"Yeah, of course." Scott replied taking Mitch's hand and gently leading him out of the hospital room.

Kirstie was flying back from her vacation with Jeremy two days early because of the condition that Kevin had fallen into.

"I love you." I said slowly rubbing circles with my thumb on the back of Kevin's hand.

"I love you just as much and more." he replied back barely over a whisper.

"Thank you." I sighed after a little while of just staring into his eyes.

"For what? If anything I should be thanking you." He responded slightly stronger this time.

"For being my husband for the last fifty-five years. For being the best boyfriend, and fiancé I could have ever asked for before that. For being strong when I had no ability to be. For loving me unconditionally, and proving it to me in every possible way you could, daily." I replied as I started to cry.

"Babe, come here." He whispered to me softly.

He scooted over some to let me climb in next to him. He kissed me gently, but with so much love, before I curled up into his side and fell asleep next to him.



I woke up to the sound of a long noise. After a second of groggily looking up at Kevin I realized what it was and started sobbing. I got off the bed because of the doctor and nurses that came running in the door. I walked back and stood in a corner. Scott walked in, Mitch standing directly outside of the door crying as well.

"Avi, we need to let the doctors have some space if we want them to be able to save him. Please come." He asked gently trying to lead me out.

I nodded before whispering under my breath. "I love you so so much, and I always will."

We walked out of the hospital room. I sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room located, luckily, right outside of the door. Scott sat down next to me but I got up and moved somewhere else.

I looked over and saw Scott whispering sweet, comforting things into a sobbing Mitch's ear. That was all it took. I broke down entirely, my body shuddering with each sob.

I'm not sure how long it was that I cried. It could have been hours. It could have been days. All I know is that I cried until the tears stopped coming. Internally, I never stopped crying.

I didn't do well during the funeral. The whole time I was sobbing. Our kids, Kelp, and Dan, did the same.

As soon as Kelp saw me she just hugged me tight and said nothing. Dan just looked at me with such sorrow, I was scared of what it would do to him.



"I'm sorry," I wrote down on the paper, "I can't do it without him."


"Avi! Avi! Wake up! Avi!" I heard as my eyes shot open.

I was crying, and sweating too. I'm a mess.

"Bro, you okay?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." I replied sitting up slowly.

"Anytime." Kevin said nodding slowly before going back to his room.

I have had this dream four times in the past six days. Every time I wake up crying uncontrollably and sweating. I don't know what else I do while I'm asleep, but I'm sure that they are all things that give Kevin more reasons not to love me. The number one reason though, is the fact that he is as straight as a board and has probably never considered himself liking men, ever.

Kevin's POV

Avi worries me sometimes. Just kidding, always. For the past four out of six nights he has kept me up practically all night. He keeps yelling things like 'Kevin! No! Kevin, no please! Please no! Kevin I need you please don't! Kevin please!' I walk in and I find him thrashing about in bed sobbing his poor heart out. I wish that I could fall asleep next to him and keep him from having nightmares like that. Or at least wake him up by kissing him instead of having to yell to get him out of it. I hate that I like him. Especially because he is my best friend and there is no way he would ever have feelings for me. Besides, he is straight... right? I haven't come out yet. I'm to scared that he would look at me differently. I have always kind of hoped that he is gay but I never got the nerve to ask.

I sat there deep in thought for a few minutes before I saw Avi walk up to the door.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked barely over a whisper.

"Sure man." I patted the bed next to me, signaling for him to come sit next to me.

He obliged and sat next to me before saying, "Please don't hate me when I tell you this."

"I would never hate you Avi, you know that." I replied soothingly.

"I'm gay." He said cringing afterword like he thought I would slap him.

I grinned and hugged him tightly, "That's awesome Avi. Thanks for telling me."

"Thanks for not being mad." he said quietly.

"Why would I be mad? Now I know you won't hate me when I tell you that I'm also gay." I replied getting quieter at the end.

"Really?" Avi gaped obviously shocked.

I was slightly worried that he was upset.

"And" we both said at the same time.

We laughed a little before I mentioned, "Do you want to go first? Me go first? Or say it at the same time?"

"Same time." he confirmed.

"Okay. 1,2,3. I like you." my hand shot over my mouth in shock.

Did he just say that?

"Really?" I asked weakly.

He nodded looking very excited.

"Then I don't think you'll mind this." I smirked, closing the space between us.

Gosh, he was an amazing kisser. We rolled to where we were lying on the bed, with me on top of him still kissing.

Avi's POV

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me as we kissed. He was sooo good at this. I wonder how much practice he's had at this. I know I'm terrible, this is my first kiss with a guy or a girl. I keep thinking about how I don't deserve Kevin instead of just enjoying it.

Eventually we stopped kissing. I immediately missed the feeling of his lips on mine and pecked them one more time before hugging him.

"Avi, will you be my boyfriend?" I heard him whisper down my neck.

"Of course Kevin." I whispered back, cherishing the moment. I had no intention of letting anything ruin this.





(I'm going to make an ending phrase, here goes nothing!)


I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now