Telling Everyone (4)

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Kirstie's POV

Kevin's weird. He texts me and asks me what was happening when I first was pregnant, even though since then I have gotten married, had a baby, and gotten an apartment.

I didn't question it though. He always has a good reason.

I looked back through our texts. The last ones were when he told me that he and Avi were dating, now he was asking me about when I was first pregna- I dropped my phone. Is Kevin pregnant!?

I grabbed my phone off the floor. I unlocked it again, before texting quickly.

Me: Kev, are you pregnant?

Kevin: Hey, this is Avi. And yeah we are pretty sure he's pregnant.

Me: Did you two start dating before telling us or did you tell us really soon?

Avi: Umm... 😁 We started dating earlier that day, why?

Me: Oh... You had sex the first day?

Avi: ... yeah?😳

Me: 😂 You're soooo awkward Avi! Have you told Scott and Mitch yet?

Avi: We weren't going to tell you guys until a few days from now, but I guess Scott and Mitch should know since you do.

Me: Yeah, dinner maybe?

Avi: Sure, let me do this formally.

Avi: Hey, would you like to have dinner with us?

Me: Ooh, yes! That would be absolutely perfect!

Avi: Great! Our place at 5:30?

Me: Cool, see you then!! 😜

I set my phone down. I hope Kevin will be okay, I'm sure he and Avi will be great dads though.

Mitch's POV

"Hey dork! Ya ready?" I called from down stairs.

"Just a sec idiot!" Scott yelled back, before he appeared at the top of the stairs.

We were getting ready to go to Avi and Kevin's for dinner. I was worried about what they would tell us this time, given that its only been a week since we found out that two of our best friends are dating, that's pretty big.

Scott and I had decided to tell them later, so that Kirstie would have time to calm down a bit.


"Hey, we have something to tell you two..." Kevin started.

I grabbed Scott's hand gently under the table.

"I'm pregnant." Kevin blurted out.

My jaw dropped open.

"Really?" I managed to get out, though it came as more of a squeak than anything.

Scott was having the same reaction as me, but Kirstie was just smiling along with Avi.

"Is this a joke?" Scott managed to say properly.

"No, I just had your reaction earlier." Kirstie answers smirking.

"Wait," I exclaimed, "She found out earlier!!??"

"She guessed actually, and I had no intention of lying. I also knew she couldn't keep a secret from you for more than thirty seconds and you were the same with Scott, so here we are." Avi stated.

"So basically," Kevin summed up, "If Avi wasn't so freaking perfect, you guys wouldn't have known for at least another week or two. But, if Avi wasn't this freaking perfect, we might not even be dating anyway." After this Kevin pecked Avi on the lips then continued to eat.

I started giggling at this point, I don't know why. It may have just been the relief that my friends weren't in danger of dying or anything. More than anything, I just wanted to kiss Scott and then sink into his warm embrace and fall asleep, but I couldn't even do that in front of my best friends.

I realized I was crying a little to late to do anything. That was also the point at which I realized I had been laughing hysterically for the past five minutes without noticing because I was thinking. Kirstie was just smiling with an eyebrow raised, Kevin and Avi were making out and Scott was staring at me with a worried look on his face.

"I'm gonna- go to- the- bathroom." I managed to get out between sobs and laughs.

I got to the bathroom and slumped down with my back against the door. After what felt like only a few seconds of me sitting there sobbing I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it expecting to find a slightly worried Kirstie, but instead finding an extremely worried Scott. He walked inside the bathroom quickly, shutting the door behind him.

"Babe," He started in a whisper, " what's wrong?"

"I don't know..." I answered truthfully.

"Mitch, you've been in here sobbing loudly for the past twenty minutes. Avi and Kevin even stopped making out because they are worried about you, that's really hard to get them to do." Scott said smiling against his will near the end.

"Will you kiss me?" I asked not even sure of the answer.

Scott didn't reply, he just tilted my head up with a finger and kissed me passionately.

"Always." he answered after we were done.

"We should go finish dinner." I mentioned dejectedly.

"Mmhhmm, but when we get home I get you all to myself." Scott smirked seductively.

"Oh, yes you do!" I whispered.


HEYYYYY! So, I have 100 reads and this book has been up since like 5 (?) days... THANKS YOU GUYS!!!!

Okay, on a side note of no relativity to the story... Ha anyone else noticed how Scott always goes for Scömíche and Mitch always goes for Superfruit... Scömíche is there ship name... Huh huh? No... okay.... Umm *awkward throat clear*

ANYWAYS.... I hope y'all like it! I can honestly say that I've been considering doing one for a while and I'm really glad I did cause I LOVEESE writing it!

Y'all are my encouragement to write though in the long run and I will keep writing even if there is only one person that is still reading.

K I think that all...

Vote, comment (babes, if you see a mistake tell me, cause I want to be able to fix it.) Add to reading list and/or your library. Follow me (If you want to see what I'm doing on your news feed) and share if you love it that much. (also feel free to PM me and we can fan girl about PTX and YouTube and ish)



I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now