Two Hours Two Coffees Two Sob Fests and Far Too Many Tissues (12)

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Mitch's POV

"Mitch, Avi needs help. It's a kind of help that I can't give him anymore. He needs help from a close friend. Kirstie is too dependent on others, Scott is to kind, I'm his boyfriend, Esther's his sister, Jeremy is not very close to him, Darian is his brother in law... You're the only one who can do it. You are the only one who can keep a secret, and be sympathetic."

I still don't know what he needs me for.

"Mitch, I was gone for a reason. I think we both knew that. I'm a 'special case' to say the least. I'm immortal... And I came from hell. I can't be killed and I kill. For a while it was for fun, then it became a job that had to be paid for, then I decided that I wanted to use my skills for good. I created cello-boxing as an outlet for my skills and ultimately I met you guys because of it. For that, I am eternally grateful. I need you to explain this to Avi. I don't want to because I might give him gruesome details he couldn't get from you, since you don't know them." By the end his tone was pleading.

I tried to talk, but couldn't, so I just nodded.

The relief that washed across his face was immense. "Thank you."

I awoke with a start.

"Babe, I've got coffee for you." I heard Scott say as he I walked into our bedroom.

"I need to talk to Kevin." I stated firmly as I sat up, and rubbed my eyes.

"Why?" Scott inquired, as He handed me my coffee.

"Can't I just talk to a friend?" I snapped at him.

Scott put his hands up in defense. "Sure- sorry."

"Sorry." I mumbled and got up to get dressed.

I was on my way out the door when Scott stopped me. "Can I come with you?"

"No." I managed to get out.

"Oh- okay." He sighed, "I will be here when you get back."

With that he went inside and I went outside.

I made it to their house pretty quickly. When I got up to the door and knocked it flew open to reveal a sleep deprived Avi.

"Man, are you okay?" I asked gently, noting the terrified look he had.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Do you happen to know where Kevin is?" He asked rather calmly.

"I have some explaining to do on Kevin's behalf, but no I don't know where he is. I didn't even know he was gone."

"Where did you see him?" Avi questioned, hope glimmering in his eyes.

"Let me explain."

An hour, a coffee, a sob fest, and a hell of a lot of tissues later, Avi understood what was going on.

"Thank you. For explaining- for everything really." He sighed giving me a hug.

"You're welcome. Kevin, get your superstitious butt over here and kiss your boyfriend. That's one thing you can do that I can't." I stated to no one in particular.

Kevin walked out of his bedroom with tears in his eyes. "Oh my gosh."

Avi nearly collapsed. Kevin came over and lifted Avi up in his arms kissing him gently. I looked over Kevin noticing something different but not being able to put a finger on i-- THE BABY! Kevin was back to his thin, muscular self with a flat belly and abs.

"Hey Kevin can I talk to you in private for a second?" I asked calmly after they had stopped kissing.

"Yeah sure." He replied smoothly although the fear in his eyes was evident.

We walked back into the farthest corner of his room before I spoke. "Kevin, what happened to the baby."

"There never was a baby. There was a full fledged demon that would have hurt Avi if left alive. I couldn't do that, I love him." He answered begrudgingly.

"Well I think your boyfriend needs an explanation. A good one. Tell him everything you told me, nothing less and only an 'I love you' and an 'I'm sorry' more, you hear?"

"Yes mom." he smirked.

Maybe this guy is a demon!

We walked out of the room and into the living room again. Kevin and I were both smiling so Avi's worried look softened.

"Babe," Kevin started as he sat down on the sofa next to Avi. "You might have noticed..."

Another hour, another coffee, another sob fest, and a hell of a lot more tissues later, Avi knew about the baby and was surprisingly alright with it.

"Okay, before you two go have sex again- I've gotta go explain to Scott why I was a moody little woman this morning. Do I have your permission to tell Scott?" I explained more towards Kevin.

"Sure." was all I got out of him before they continued sucking lip.

I rolled my eyes before walking out of the apartment and heading back to mine.

"Scott, I'm sorry. I can explain why I was moody monster this morning." I called as I walked in.

I found Scott sitting just in front of the door in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, eating a donut and drinking his coffee.

"Miranda! I missed you, will you tell me what that was please?"

"Yes, Sandy. Now get your bum off the ground and to a couch so mommy can sit too and I will explain."


Two updates in one night!??? RARE! *I'm watching always watching woman from Monster's Inc.* Don't expect it to happen again.

Anyways, who's excited for CPD pt. 2? I know I am! If you haven't read the first one then, make that the next thing on your agenda!

Thanks soooo much. Go read the See Through update for the other announcements that I'm to lazy to make twice.





I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now