Scömíchè is real? (6)

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Have fun reading!

Mitch's POV

(1 month after the 2 months... that makes no sense. Uhh, Kevin is 3 months pregnant now. That better?)

Scott and I have been dating for two and a half months now and still haven't told anyone. It's kinda, I don't know, getting to me? I guess that's how you would describe it. I just want to be able to kiss Scott in front of my bestest friends in the whole world, and I can't.

I can't hold his hand, I can't kiss him, we can't cuddle during down time in the studio, we can't do anything that couples do. I mean we act like a couple all the time, but now that we are one we decided that we should just act like normal friends so we don't get carried away and accidentally do something we didn't use to do.

We didn't tell them at first and said we would tell them in a few weeks when the shock of Kevin and Avi getting together wore off some. Next thing we know Kevin is pregnant and we are still a secret.

I hate it! It is like being in the closet again, I thought I had already gotten out of that one.

"Shhh, shhhh. It's okay, you're okay." I snapped back into reality to find my self shaking and crying, my breathing rapid.

I felt Scott's arms around me, gently rubbing circles on my back. He placed a kiss on my head before cuddling his into my neck. Slowly, I started to relax and stop cry. As soon as my breathing evened out I was quiet enough to hear Scott's tiny snores.

I sighed, cuddling into him gently. I was able to drift off into an amazing dream about, who else, Scott.


"Ughhhhhh." I sighed and flipped over.

It's 11:30 and we have practice at 12:15. And I haven't eaten.

"Babe, you up?" I heard Scott's voice from his room.

He must be getting dressed. We would have moved some of his clothes in here to my room, but we didn't want Kirstie or the others to notice and suspect something. I mean, she did guess that Kevin was pregnant and no matter how obvious that was, it could be just that obvious about the clothes.

"Yeah!" I called back sitting up to get dressed.

"Hurry and get dressed! I got you Starbucks!" Scott responded walking up and leaning against the door frame.

"Okay. Thanks, Scotty boy." I agreed and walked over to peck him on the lips before getting dressed and ready.

15 minutes later and I was dressed and ready, coffee in one hand Scott's hand in the other, walking to the car.

I decided that it would be smart to talk to him about how I am feeling, little did I know he would get to it first.

Almost as soon as we had pulled out onto the street he brought it up, "Mitchie, what was it that you were dreaming about?"

"I wasn't dreaming... I was thinking." I replied managing to stay calm.

"What were you thinking about then? It was obviously something bad, as most people don't sob and shake uncontrollably when they are happy..." He trailed off.

"I was thinking about us," I started but before I could finish Scott butted in.

"Darn it! What did I do?" He sounded terrified.

"Shh, you didn't do anything- next time let me finish. I was thinking about us, being a secret and how much I hate it. I feel like I'm in the closet again... This is almost worst." I filled him in.

"Do you want to tell them today? I know how hard it's been on you. And I am so ready to get Alex to stop hitting on me constantly." He chuckled at the end.

"Can we? That would be amazing!" I was smiling hugely.

"Anything for you babe." Scott grinned placing his left hand on my right one on the wheel.

We got to Kevin and Avi's apartment, where we were having practice, with only two minutes to spare. Once inside though, Kevin explained that, "Kirstie called a few minutes ago to say she would be late. She had to feed Lana."

Lana is her six month old baby, who is soooooo adorable. Speaking of adorable, (A/N dat segway doe!) Avi walked up behind Kevin, hugging him gently and kissing behind his ear.

"Avi," Kevin moaned softly, "stoppp."

Avi continued anyway, kissing Kevin sweetly before Scott butted in sassily,"If you want to stick your tongues down each other's throats, at least give us some privacy so we can do the same."

Avi immediately stopped and started at Scott and me with a look of shock and confusion.

It was Kevin who spoke first, "So you guys are... a thing?"

I glanced over at Scott, grabbing his hand and connecting our lips confidently.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes..." I heard Avi say quietly, dragging Kevin into their bedroom to, most likely, make out.

After they were out of the room Scott leaned over to whisper in my ear,"Now that they are gone..."

I pressed my lips firmly against his pushing him gently into the chair Kevin had been sitting in. My fingers tangled in his hair as his arms wrapped around my neck. I was sitting onto of him, facing him about to initiate another kiss when I heard a gasp behind us.

My head spun around to see Kirstie standing there with her hands over her mouth staring in awe.

"Kevin's getting five buck for sure." She giggled.

"For what?" Scott and I asked at the same time.

I slid quickly off of his legs to stand.

"Kevin bet me five bucks that you guys were a thing. Neither of you had said anything about liking each other though, so I assumed that you weren't together." She explained, "Where are Kevin and Avi anyway?"

A very loud moan came from the direction of their bedroom. "Does that answer your question?" Scott smirked.

"Gimme a sec." she answered before walking off to their bedroom. "Avi! Get your clothes on. Kevin get some pants on! We need to practice."

I giggled quietly as the boys walked into the living room, their clothes wrinkled and messed up, followed by a sassy Kirstie pushing them along.

"Y'all are cray cray." I stated as we started warming up.


HEYYYYYYYHH! I know I've been gone... Sorry, I miss being here. School *mutters* son of a stupid founding father *clears throat* Sorry...

Anyway! Did y'all see the La La Latch video!?!? It was GREAT! Mitch looked beautiful (as always) and especially gay cause of the fully buttoned short sleeve button-up... But, did ya happen to look at Scottand notice that he, I don't know, uh LOOKS LIKE ALEX!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean HONESTLY!? The hair, the shirt, the facial expression even. I was watching it on a computer in the living room and I looked closely at Scott and yell "DANG IT SCOTT!! DANG IT!! DON'T BE HIS FREAKING BARBIE DOLL!!!!!!!!" My brother was sitting in the living room... he kinda glanced up at me before going back to what he was doing.

Sorry not sorry bout my rant.

K dats it! Vote, Comment, share, follow me, PM me... Idk...



I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now