Baby, It's You! (3)

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Scott's POV

We got back to the apartment at about 8:30. I was kinda tired but not really, I just wanted to snuggle with Mitch. I doubt he would want to, but I'll ask anyway.

"Hey, Kathrine! Do you wanna watch a movie, and cuddle with me?" I asked nervously.

He walked into the living room before replying, "Sure Steph."

I grabbed the remote and a blanket before curling up with him on the couch.


Mitch was falling asleep, so I started running my fingers through his angel thin, extremely soft, hair.

"Alex would be angry if he saw you doing this." I heard him mutter.

"We aren't dating Mitchie. I'm single to hit on anyone I want." I replied gently, rubbing circles on his back.

"Sure." he replied skeptically, and sleepily.

He was right. Alex and I were 'dating'. Well, he has taken me on a couple of dates and is convinced that we are a couple. I think he's nice and all but, I really love Mitch not him. I wish I had the gut to tell him though. Both of them really. Alex that I don't really want to be in a relationship with him, and Mitch that I love him insanely and ever since I met him it has just grown.

Mitch's eyes drooped closed quickly, and soon his breathing evened out. I sighed gently kissed his head before picking him up gently and carrying him to his room. I laid him down on his bed, and was about to walk out when I heard, "Stay?"

I turned around slowly, "How long have you been awake?"

His eyes opened slightly, "I never quite fell asleep."

I turned bright red, "Do you still want me to stay?"

He nodded slowly, "Always."

I climbed in next to him and wrapped my hands around his waist, eliminating the distance between us. I cuddled my head into his neck and sighed, before falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat and tiny snores.

{1 Week Later}

Kevin's POV

"Babe, wake up." I heard Avi's voice.

"Avi, it's to early!" I groaned.

"Kevin, it almost noon. When did you go to bed?" He asked cautiously.

My eyes shot open, "Nine..."

Thirteen hours of sleep... "Babe, are you okay?"

"I think so..." I started to get out of bed, but ended up sprinting to the toilet and retching.

Avi was rubbing circles on my back and reassuring me. After I felt a little better and stopped vomiting, he got me some water to rinse out my mouth.

After I got back in bed, I pulled the covers on, "Avi, I'm cold."

He reached out and felt my forehead for a second, "Babe, you're burning up."

I was about to snap at him for always calling me 'babe' before I realized what I was doing and stopped myself.

"Boo, will you get my phone please?" I asked Avi hurriedly.

"Sure." He walked over and quickly grabbed my phone and gave it to me.

"Thanks babe." I said watching him for a second as he walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in.

I pulled up my texts with Kirstie. The last one was when I had told her that Avi and I were dating. Now it was going to be something a little more drastic.

Me: Hey, when you were pregnant what happened when you first realized it?

Kirstie: Ummm, I'm pretty sure that I slept way to long and threw up when I woke up. I might have been feverish, and especially achey in my lower back. That was almost a year ago though, I don't really remember everything. Why?

Me: Thanks Kirst. I'll tell you later.

Kirstie: Okay, if you need anything just call.

Me: Of course. Bye!

Kirstie: Bye.

I cursed under my breath, "What is it Kev?"

I shook my head slowly, and handed Avi my phone.

I saw his face go pale, "No."

I started crying for some reason, I might just be moody, but I was convinced that he wouldn't love me now.

"Shhh. Shhh, it's okay. You're okay. We're okay." He reassured me.

Slowly I stopped crying. After a few more minutes I fell asleep again, surrounded with Avi's warm body, and sweet words.

Scott's POV

I have been sleeping in the same bed as Mitch for the past week now, and it is driving me crazy. I still haven't been able to tell Mitch that I like him, and did I mention that I've been sleeping in the same bed as him, for a whole week?

That would be the equivalent of most people being able to sleep in the same bed as Ryan Gossling, but not being able to kiss him. It is just to much.

"Scotty, you okay?" we were eating dinner and I kept spacing out.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking." I replied back airily.

"Bout what?" he asked curiously.

"You." I replied without thinking.

I slapped a hand over my mouth. "That's cute." I heard him mutter.

Wait, he thinks I'm cute. "Mitch, there's something I need to tell you. I guess I've probably needed to tell you this since I was ten, but now it's coming. Mitch, I like you a lot like, as more than a friend."

"Really." Mitch replied. Darn it, he hates me.

"Thank goodness." He sighed. I looked at him confused and he continued, "I thought that you and Alex were secretly dating and you loved him not me. It was upsetting enough that I had to convince you to come sleep with me daily, for the past week."

"Convince? You had to invite me. I would have come and slept with you anytime. You just asked me to." I corrected.

"Well, glad I asked. I haven't slept that well since before I dated Travis." He stated.

"Will you be my boyfriend then so you don't have to invite me every night?" I asked hopefully.

"Do I have to answer?" He asked smirking before kissing me passionately.

I kissed back just as hard.

"I love you." I got out between kisses.


OKAY! So, things just HAPPENED! Am I right? (You don't have to answer that.) So, thanks for the almost 55 reads in like 4 days!! I Love y'all soooooooooooooooo much *bear hug*

Well, that's it I guess. Comment, Vote, Share, add to a reading list, PM me and we can fan girl.


I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now