Government Files (7 1/2)

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K. This is gonna be like a government document all about Kevin. It should clear up somethings.


C.K. - that is his nick name. It stands for Cheshire Kat, his case name. We have been tracking him since the beginning of the 20th century.

This man, or demon, no one is really sure, has been around for centuries. He is talented at disguise, as well as the fact that he is probably immortal.

He is constantly moving around the globe and changing identities, but is a big show off which is really the only way we can keep up with him.

Recently though he has taken on the identity of Kevin Olusola. But the interesting part is that he has become attached with a group of four other people and more specifically a man named Avriel Kaplan. The group is a band called Pentatonix or PTX for short. He is a beat boxer for the group and they are all best friends and travel on tour a lot together.

We have recently found out that he is in a sexual relationship with Avi and were surprised to see that Kevin is pregnant. We do not know enough about him though, to know how he was become pregnant and we most likely never will.

•••*added two days after last chapter*

Considered dead by fans and the rest of PTX alike, he is being mourned over. This is by far the most positive attention he has gotten since he was created somewhere in the depths of Hell centuries ago.

He will undoubtedly turn up as someone else once again, continuing the chase for CK.


Okay. Imma make a statement, here it goes. DANGGGGGGGGG ISH IS GOIN DOWWWWNNNNN.

K. That was it.

Anyway, like I said thing are gettin cray cray up in here.

Everyone thinks Kevin is dead. *hint* thinks *hint* yeah okay.

ALSO!!! I, know a girl (I think it's a girl... awkward. I always assume everyone here is a girl...) Anyway- I know a girl on Wattpad, who has a book up with one chapter and a introduction up so far and only SEVEN FOLLOWERS!!! This girl is a great writer so, go follow @MrsScomiche!!!!!

And also talking about people who I assumed were girls but are actually not- go read Crave You and Latch by @notjustadirectioner (not just a directioner) they are Scott Hoying fanfics and are VERYY good.

Sorry not sorry. Next chapter, I shouting out my favorite Authors. This might become a new thing with a different category every update.... IDK.

Okay *insert shameless self promotion here*

That's it!



I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now