Bonus Scomiche (14)

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Scott's POV

"Scott, wake up." I rolled over so fast I fell off the couch.

I heard his gorgeous laugh fill the room as I lazily opened my eyes.

"Whaaaa?" I groaned as I sat up slowly.

"It's already 4 pm." He scolded.

"You're good exercise that I don't normally get from 12-2 in the morning." I smiled back as I looked up at him.

He blushed, "It wasn't 2 am."

I stood up and lowered my head to his ear whispering softly, "You can ask the neighbors."

"Can I now?" He asked skeptically.

"Apparently not everyone is as addicted to your noises as I am." I laughed.

"So that's why we sing quietly? That's why our neighbors hate us? Arenel used to be so nice, now she just glares at me... And Alex, the hot one..."

"Ay!" I scowled.

"You jealous? Mr. Scott "I swear I have eyebrows" Hoying." He giggled, his eyebrow up.

"Yes, that's why I'd like to make you Mitch "I swear he has eyebrows" Hoying." I got down on one knee, "Mitchell Coby Michael "Eyebrows" Grassi, will you marry me?"

His hands shot up to cover his mouth as I got down on one knee. He started crying and nodding his head vigorously, "Yes. Oh- yes of course I'll marry you!!"

I stood up and kissed him gently, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

AY! So that's really the end. The "Scott I swear I have eyebrows Hoying" thing is from downhereitsshi's book Popular, go check it out.

Thank you so so so much for reading, I love you to bits. Now that this is done I will be putting up a book called "The Ambassador" It's Scomiche as well as something else. Read to find out!!!

I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now