What Have I Done? (8)

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Avi's POV

What. Have. I. Done.

What have I done to deserve this?

Kevin is the best boyfriend ever- he's an angel, not a demon. I don't know what they are talking about.

For the past week and a half, he has been all I dream about. The strange thing is, he never dies or gets hurt, it is like the dreams I had before, but instead he makes it through. I get to see him and he talks to me, and loves on me. We cuddle and act like a normal couple. Then I wake up, and he isn't next to me. I feel upset- yet I know that I will see him when I fall asleep again.

I got out of the cold, empty bed and got ready for the day. Today is the day of Kevin's funeral, which is silly since he didn't die. I'm just gonna go along with it, because I don't want to be called crazy.


"You look nice." I heard a voice say from behind me.

I was in a single stall bathroom at the church where the funeral was being held, and I had locked the door... "Oh my gosh."

I stood shocked at the sight in front of me. "Hey babe."

I nearly passed out, but before I could Kevin wrapped his arms around be holding me up.

"They think that you're dead. Kevin this is your funeral. You can't just show up for your funeral. I knew you weren't dead, but Mitch and Kirstie, they are going through it right now. Where did you go, I missed you. I love you so so much." I was sobbing by the time I got done.

"Shhh, Avi, you're okay. I gotcha babe." He whispered gently rocking us back and forth, "You ready to go crash a funeral?"

"They don't know about your file Kevin, they wouldn't understand." I said worriedly.

"What file?" He asked looking genuinely confused.

I looked at him, shocked. Is he toying with me? Am I really insane?

"No." I gasped as I collapsed and saw things start to dim out. "Kev."



Anyway, sorry bout that. So, that thing I call a chapter happened.

You don't see the whole picture yet, just go with it. Give me time to rearrange.

This was originally just gonna be a fluff story, now there is *duh duh duh* ACTION!

So yeah.

K *insert shameless self promo here*



I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now