Night Time Revelations (10)

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Kevin's POV

Avi thinks he's insane.

He isn't, and I know that, but I can't tell him.

I can't tell him the file was real and that I just took it and disposed of it. If he actually knew it was real, I couldn't be here.

I couldn't be with the love of my life and the father of my child, and that would truly be the death of me.

"Babe, are you okay." Oh, apparently muttering to yourself at three in the morning isn't normal. Oops.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to sleep." I answered, kissing him on the forehead.

"Okay, but will you cuddle with me and go to sleep too?" Avi asked softly.

"Of course." I obliged.

"I love you, goodnight." I heard him mumble before hearing his breathing even out.

"I'm so so sorry." I whisper before letting my body be succumbed by sleep.

Kirstie's POV

Looking at Kevin you could very easily tell that he was four months pregnant. And looking at Avi, you could tell he was glad Kevin was back.

They say the best couples come from the best friends, and Kevin and Avi definitely fit the description perfectly.

Kevin and Avi are the cutest couple ever. I would have never guessed that they liked each other though. I didn't know a thing about it. Scott on the other hand has been blabbing for years about how sexy Mitch is when he walks, how funny Mitch is, what a fantastic singer he is. Although it is all true, it just comes out sounding like he's drooling. Mitch broke Scott's heart though by dating Travis. Especially while he knew how horrible of a person Travis is. I didn't know until after they broke up that Travis was abusive. Scott knew all along, but swore to Mitch he wouldn't tell anyone and kept his word. Scott is a great person and so is Mitch, just I feel like Scott has been dragged through the mud a bit more. If that makes sense at all.

"Your turn." I heard Jeremy grunt from beside me.

He was referring to the crying Lana in the other room. I sighed and got up, pulling her out of her crib and changing her diaper before singing her quietly back to sleep.

"What would I do with out you?" I whispered softly as I put her back in here crib.

I don't know what I would do really if it weren't for her and Jeremy and PTX. They are my family, and I couldn't survive without them.

When Kevin was gone for the month, I felt like I was missing something. Now I realize that, yes indeed, I was missing something. I have it now though, and I don't ever want to have to give it up.

I feel like Mitch, Scott and I were all more upset about losing Kevin than Avi was... The night he found out he didn't say anything until the next morning, and we had someone stay with him pretty much every night after. We didn't want to wake up and find Avi dead as well.

"Babe, Lana is alright?" Jeremy mumbled.

"Yes." I answered, scratching his head like I did with Olaf.

"Then come sleep, you're warm and the bed isn't." He grumbled.

"Of course babe."


Scott's POV

"Thank you!" I said politely as I took my drinks and walked out of Starbucks and back to the apartment.

"Babe, I've got coffee for you." I said as I walked into our bedroom to find a slightly dazed Mitch still in bed.

"I need to talk to Kevin." He stated firmly as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Why?" I inquired, as I handed him his coffee.

"Can't I just talk to a friend?" he snapped at me.

I put my hands up in defense. "Sure- sorry."

"Sorry." He mumbled and got up to get dressed.

I wonder what he wants to talk to Kevin about...


Soooooo... Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVES!! Since I last updated, I have made the first video for my YouTube channel. Added a new story. Slept (minimal, but existent) Gotten to chill with my boy. Fangirled over PTX. Found out that a guy from my church (he is like 55 and does everything to do with choir except teach it) knows the choir director at Martin High School (Where Mitch, Scott, and Kirstie went to High School) and I FREAKED OUT. It was a lot for me to handle in line at Luby's to say the least.

Anywayssss. Less than half an hour before the day when everything is perfect.

•PTX video


•Tyler video

•The Blood of Olympus

•Band Night (time to hangout with my band friends (Alex!) yay!)

Anyways... (Insert shameless self promotions til you can no longer handle it)



I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now