The Big Misconception (7)

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You guys are going to kill me for this... What ever- sorry.

Avi's POV


I snapped awake. This is the fourth time in four days that I've had this dream. This one was far worse than the ones I had before though... In the dreams I had before we were dating we had at least been married, in these though Kevin broke up with me and then killed himself.

That was when I noticed that Kevin wasn't lying next to me. I looked over at my clock- what was he doing at 2:15 in the morning?

"Kev?" I asked as I walked through the apartment.

I saw a little note on the counter. 'I'm sorry Avi, I couldn't make it any longer. -Kevin'

I stood there petrified. Next to it on the counter was a picture of Pentatonix, except Scott, Mitch, Kirstie and I were huddled up with him standing behind us. He had been ripped neatly out of the photo and placed to the side of it. Under the photo was a Manila envelope with 'Case 7428913' typed on it.

What did that mean?

I opened it up, finding inside many pictures and documents. Most of the pictures were of Kevin, but there was one picture that was of a team of Hispanic soccer players. They looked to be about age eight, with matching uniforms and a soccer ball in front.

It seemed perfectly normal except for the pitch black alleyway on the very left of the picture. But in the alley way were two wide eyes and a scary grin. It looked like the Cheshire Cat except fifty times creepier.

I flipped the picture over and saw on the back written in messy hand writing the phrase 'The Demon'.

I set down the photo carefully. I tried to calm my shaking hand and my shivering heart.

What was Kevin!? I couldn't figure out so I sat down on my couch.

I needed to get my mind off this. What better way than to watch the Troyler Boyfriend tag video on repeat until I fall asleep? So that is exactly what I did.

I Will Love You Unconditionally (Kevin and Avi) (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now