Chapter 2: Survival

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After reading the letter, Pinkie just stood there for a while, slowly lowering herself down until she was sitting on the ground. She wasn’t really sure how to feel, for those few seconds, she was just standing there, she didn’t feel anything, she was in shock. Then, it all came at once. Fear, betrayal, depression, these feelings shook her to the core. The letter slowly floated to the ground when she dropped it, losing any common sense, as she screamed as loud as she could. Not really wanting to get anyone’s attention, just not knowing what else to do, realization of everything that just happened to hit her.

That’s when it sank in; this wasn’t a prank, this wasn’t some elaborate joke, this was real. She was betrayed by her family, practically kidnapped and drugged, taken to some forest in the middle of nowhere, left by herself to the mercy of nature. She collapsed onto the ground, her breathing erratic and frantic, her heart beating rapidly. Eventually, her breathing slowed down as she looked up at the sky, the scenery calmed her down.

That drug must have lasted a long time, as when she was knocked out, it was late and dark, but, now it was early, and the sun was bright. If she had to guess, she’d say it was around eight; her friends were probably wondering where she was right now. She had managed to go all year without any absences; it was so close to the end of school too, there were only a few weeks left. It was still spring; there was only one more day left in school before testing was going to start, seems she would miss it. Well, if by some miracle, she does survive, she at least could say she had a wild summer.

She then got furious, no, anger was an understatement, she felt hatred. She felt a deep, passionate feeling of hatred towards her father, for taking her away from her friends, for drugging and abandoning her in the middle of the woods, and for doing the same thing to her sisters. She had never hated someone before; she thought there was nothing anyone could do to her that would make her hate them, she was wrong.

She wanted to hurt him, badly. But, not before she could figure out exactly what happened to her sisters, and why. They just couldn’t be dead, he’s not that cruel, right? Pinkie wiped her face, getting rid of any tears that were threatening to fall down her face, and suddenly stood up, regaining her bouncy personality. If she was going to get her revenge, save her sisters, reunite with her friends, and live her life, then she needed to stay positive and get out of this alive. But, for now, she had to indulge him, she had to survive one month in this forest.

When she was younger, she went through a Bear Grills phase; she watched all the episodes well more than once. Though hopefully, she wouldn’t go as far as to drink her own pee, that would start affecting her negatively after a few days. She also talked to Fluttershy about animals, since she had so much experience with them, it would make sense to ask her what to do if she encounters any wild animals. She had everything she needed to survive out here, she just really hoped she wouldn’t have to kill any animals, Fluttershy would hate that. And neither her, or herself, would ever be able to forgive such an act.

“ Well, I guess I’ll have to start by finding a shelter before it gets dark! Ooh! Maybe I’ll run into some friendly animals or something, that’d be awesome! Then, I could keep them as pets and have them watch for me when I’m sleeping! And then-”

Suddenly, there was the sound of a twig breaking from a bush not too far away from Pinkie, making her shut up and filling her with fear. The sounds stopped, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t something there. When Pinkie screamed, it could have attracted a nearby predator, and she really didn’t want to deal with that, her memories of peaceful ways to deal with wild animals were hazy, at best. She slowly began to back away from the bush, intending to get as far away from that clearing as possible, being in plain sight for as long as she has was a bad move.

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