Chapter 10: Metamorphosis

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It has been one week since Discord started with Pinkamena, compared to the month with Blake, it was nothing. While it may not have been as painful as what Blake did, it was certainly different. To get her body to get to the state of balance he needed, she was exposed to multiple kinds of torture, some Blake didn’t even do to her. Waterboarding, oxygen deprivation, being exposed to extreme heat, electrocution, but nothing fatal. Other than a few burn marks, none of the torture left any scars on her, not like Blake did.

Unlike Blake, he wasn’t very serious when he did it. He made puns and jokes every now and again and tried to strike up a conversation either before he starts or in between. She didn’t have any problem with it, it was just different than what she was used to. After he was done with her for the day, she would be escorted to the room she used to stay in before. Except for this time, Blake never came to pick her up, it was Discord. She was fed and watered like normal, and she still had the habit of being naked. Discord didn’t seem to mind that much, but he preferred her with clothes, so he usually brought some.

“So, how do you feel?”

She was now strapped down to the same table, but with a calm look on her face. Over the week, they had developed a strange relationship. It wasn’t the master-slave relationship she had with Blake or pure hatred like the one she had with Igneous. Despite the torture, they had a very casual relationship. She wouldn’t go as far to say friends, more like friendly acquaintances.

“The same as I felt a week ago, am I supposed to feel different?”

She asked curiously, she’s only gotten the gist of everything so far. Supposedly, she’s already gone through mental and physical preparation for passing this test. Now, she’s going to be physically transformed into something more than human. Or maybe he’s just crazy and is torturing her? He could just be senile and nothing he’s said is true, there’s no real way to know.

“Hmm, sort of. The results can be different every time, it’s impossible to tell. To be honest, it doesn’t always take a week for your body to enter the state anyway. You could enter it after the first day, but I wanted to do it for a week, just to be sure. So, no, it’s not impossible for it to be done without it, it’s just a good sign.”

He wasn’t looking at her as he was talking, like every other time, he was writing something down in a journal. She was curious what was in it, but she probably wouldn’t get the chance to find out. After writing whatever it was he was writing, he closed the journal and put it in his pocket. He then pulled out a syringe from the same pocket, the first time she’s seen him pull something out of his pockets that wasn’t a journal. It was a fairly large syringe, filled with a strange dark green liquid. He flicked the end of it, making sure the needle was in good condition.

“This is what you’ve been waiting for, this is the thing that will change you. It took me years to successfully make this, and even longer to figure out the right conditions required for it to work. Now, in a few moments, I’m going to inject this into you. It won’t be immediate, but you will feel your body molding and changing. That’s the process that’ll probably kill you, not anything before. I won’t describe to you the exact details of what will happen if you survive, it would probably just be a waste.”

Discord walked over to her, putting his hand on her arm to find the vein. After finding it, he gently hovered the vaccine over the vein, but stopped, and looked at Pinkamena.

“Are you ready?”

For the first time, there was concern in his voice. Whether it was because he had genuinely cared about her, or her surviving the test because Igneous had more planned, or if it was just an act, who knows? But, she did think about it. While it was highly likely all this was just some ruse, there was a slight chance it was real. That she would be transformed into something beyond human, that she would be powerful, that she would have the strength for revenge. And that possibility was too much the pass up.

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