Chapter 12: Getting Ready

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Pinkamena was lying in her bed, thinking to herself. She had been resting this entire time, trying to comprehend everything that's happened and will happen. Almost immediately after Discord left, she felt extremely famished. She hesitantly asked the guards for food, preferably meat. And for the next three hours, she did nothing but eat. Meat, vegetables, fruit, anything they gave her, she ate it. Not even when she was dealing with growth spurts did she eat that much, maybe it was the coma? Or maybe the transition took that much of a toll on her body?

Pinkamena moved her hand in front of her face, like everything else, it looked vastly different. It was like Discord said, she had heightened senses. Her sight was vastly different, she could see better out of her right eye, her left was borderline a lazy eye. But now she could see equally out of both eyes, even better than before. She could see stuff further away, and the closer things are, the more details she notices. She could see all the differences in her skin, even vaguely being able to see the veins inside of her.

Her hearing improved as well, allowing her to hear every noise in her room, even the heartbeat and breathing of the guards outside her room. She could smell and taste better too when the guards brought her food before it even got to the hallway, she was able to smell it. The food tastes different too, the taste and texture of the food were in more detail than she ever noticed before. Her teeth were very different, being larger and sharper, causing her to bite the inside of her cheek and lip multiple times, causing wounds and drawing blood. But, she adjusted her chewing and the wounds healed, so it wasn't a problem anymore.

She was more sensitive also, whether that be because of the transition, or the drug, she didn't know. Everything felt different, the warmness of the covers, the hardness of the floor, it was like she was in a different body, with the memories of who she was. But, she could tell her body was improved. If she was like this in the woods, things might have been very different.

Suddenly, there was a violent rapping on the door, making Pinkamena sit up.

"It's time for the test to begin, are you ready?"

The room had been deathly quiet for a long time, a sudden loud noise like that startled her. But, once she understood what it was, she calmed down. Pinkamena hasn't had time to think ever since she got out of the woods, and now that she does, she was extremely on edge. Her thoughts were focused mainly on three things, what's happened, what was going to happen, and what she was willing to do.

She was going to have to kill if she wanted to live, she was going to have to take human lives. If it was Igneous or Blake she had to kill, there would be no hesitation. But these people haven't done anything to her, even if they were going to try to kill her, she had no reason to. But, she wasn't going to figure that out by sitting here and thinking

She sighed, realizing there was nothing else that she needed to do. She's all the time she needed to prepare and think, all that was left was the actual test. She hopped off the bed, begrudgingly, walking towards the door, without making a sound. She suddenly opened the door, slightly startling the guards, an impatient look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm ready. lead the way."

She said demandingly, acting like a commanding officer barking orders. Usually, any outsider that treated members of The Syndicate like that would beat unconscious. But, this was an exception. They had specific instructions, and if they weren't followed detail by detail, they'd never find the bodies.

"Follow us down the hall, and don't bother trying to run anywhere, there are no ways out. Just the room you were in, and the one we'll be leading you to."

One of the guards said bluntly, no tone or emotion in their voice. They looked identical to the guards that were around Igneous, the exception being the one on the left had a darker brown hair. She didn't say anything, she only nodded. They turned their backs to her and began to walk down the long, dark hallway, leading her to the end.

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