Chapter 4: The bodies in the Cave

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The first thing She saw when she was underwater was fish, lots of fish. Some on the floor of the pond eating plants and algae and such, others hiding in holes in the wall of the pond and sleeping, or, at least, the fish version of sleeping. She then began to swim towards the waterfall, noticing the cave entrance from where she was. It was hard to keep her eyes open, the water began to burn her eyes, but she had to, so she could make sure where she was going. What bothered her most though, wasn’t her eyes or having to hold her breath, it was more the fact she was basically swimming in a fish sewer, and they lived there.

‘Fish both defecate and urinate in their home, as they don’t have the brain capacity to do it in a specific place or time, so, they just do it when and wherever they are.’ Pinkie had learned this from a documentary on the ocean she had seen a few years ago, this fact disgusted her then, and it still disgusted her now.

Eventually, after what felt like hours of stinging eyes, burning lungs, and disgusted feelings realizing she was swimming in the equivalent of a fish sewer, Pinkie made it to the waterfall. After climbing into the cave, which was hard with the pressure from the waterfall keeping her down, she began to rest.

The second she got into the cave, she had a coughing fit, which lasted almost a minute. She really hoped the sound of the waterfall was louder than her coughing, because if it wasn’t, then the wolves most definitely heard her. She drank some of the water from the waterfall, despite just swimming through a pond, she was quite thirsty, it was probably the fish earlier that made her thirsty.

As Pinkie was drinking from the waterfall, she noticed in the time it took her to get there, the wolves had arrived at their destination, the campfire. She wasn’t worried though; she was positive the water had covered her scent, so, even if the one tracking her did get her scent, they still wouldn’t be able to find her.

The one tracking her was smelling both the campfire and the area around it, while the alpha male was investigating the moss shelter, the third one was watching for other predators. Pinkie sat and watched as the wolves tried to find her, she smiled knowing she had won, then, the smile faded when something unexpected happened.

The wolves began to gather at the moss shelter, and they all went inside. They cuddled together and began to sleep, with the alpha male on top. This filled her with distraught, they weren’t just looking for food, they were looking for a place to sleep, and Pinkie provided them with one. Not only did this mean she had to stay in the waterfall all night, but that the wolves would now know of her shelter, and might come back to sleep there while she’s asleep. This certainly wasn’t good news, but still, it was better than being eaten alive.

Pinkie decided she might as well explore the cave; she had nothing else to do since the wolves were now residing in her shelter for the night. The first thing she saw when she had turned around was darkness, lots of it. Which made sense, considering it was a cave, they tended to be dark. Though, since Pinkie had been out in the night, and she was pretty good at adjusting to things, she could see, not as well as in the daytime, but enough to make out large objects, or anything she could get close to.

Pinkie was tired, but not tired enough to immediately go to sleep, not with all the fear adrenaline running through her veins, which would probably leave her exhausted when it’s gone. She decided, since this cave was such a great hiding place, had a clean water source, and she was able to see incoming predators without them seeing her, this would be her new, better shelter. While she did say she didn't like enclosed areas, this cave wasn't as enclosed as most. But, it would be stupid to make this cave her home when she hasn’t even explored it, even for her. She waited a few minutes for her eyes to adjust to the darkness better and began to explore.

As Pinkie was exploring the cave, making sure to watch out for bats or anything of the like, her thoughts began to put more fear into her than the wolves did. Not too long ago, she and her friends decided to watch a movie, then they all started voting in the genre. Fluttershy voted on an animal documentary; Rarity wanted to watch "The Notebook," which Pinkie had already seen tons of times. Twilight and Sunset wanted to watch one of the Star Trek movies. The genre that got the most votes though was horror. Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie voted on a scary movie.

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