Chapter 5: The Breaking Point

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Their faces were similar to the rest of their bodies, covered in dirt and other various things, but they were still recognizable. The one on the right was Blinkie Pie, her oldest sister. Those bright, yellow, lifeless eyes, her tomboyish features, there was no mistaking it, that was her oldest sister. The one on the left was her other older sibling, Inkie Pie. Her longer than normal hair, her purple eyes, and her shy, innocent features, both of them were her long-missing siblings, and both were indirectly, or maybe directly, killed by her father.

Pinkie felt numb, her body still pushed against the rock behind her. Despite the cave being warm, she felt cold, freezing. It wasn’t the water that made her cold, that had already dried. Her sisters, her friends from the day she was born, were dead. Put into the forest and abandoned by their father, all for a reason they weren’t even been told. They didn’t deserve this; there was no reason they had to die.

They were just as innocent as Pinkie was, maybe more. Blinkie pie was much like Rainbow Dash, she was athletic, outgoing, confident, and many other things that made her like Rainbow, they probably would have been competitive rivals, but good friends. While Inkie was more like Fluttershy, she was anti-social, kind, and extremely shy, but she was a good person. While she didn’t care for animals as much as Fluttershy, she was just as nice.

Blinkie may not have been as innocent as herself or Inkie, she made dirty jokes every now and again, but she didn’t deserve to die, neither of them did! They both, despite Inkie’s shyness, had friends, hopes, dreams, things to do, but they’ll never get to. Because of her father, because of his sick, twisted, version of entertainment, they never will.

Before Pinkie’s thoughts could fill her heart with rage, one of the bodies moved, or more specifically, Blinkie’s mouth. It had shifted a little, just barely. This replaced the hate in her with a hope that maybe she could be alive. In few cases, there was something called open eye comatose. Where the body enters a comatose-like state so quickly, their eyes don’t have time to react and stay open.

Pinkie was about to go forward until she saw why her jaws moved, her worst fear. A black rat came out of Blinkie’s mouth, slowly crawling out and began to climb on other parts of her body. Pinkie hated rats; they were riddled with diseases, they eat disgusting things, and just looked terrifying. Pinkie was about to scream until she saw what exactly the rat was doing.

Pinkie hadn’t noticed it, but her shirt was loose on her body. Which shouldn’t be, even if she was starving, which she wasn’t, her facial details were dirty but weren’t giving away any signs of starving, which made her wonder how they died, the shirt still shouldn't be that loose.

The slight movement of the rat moving under Blinkie’s shirt caused it to fall to the cave floor, and what was under it made her eyes dilate to unimaginable levels. The rat wasn’t alone; it had a family, lots of them. The reason Pinkie hadn’t seen any rats in the cave, was because they were living in their home, or should she say, food source, or maybe both. If Pinkie had to guess, something caused Inkie and Blinkie to try to use the cave as a shelter as Pinkie had, but they weren’t as lucky.

The rats had attacked them, and being the disease carriers, they were, probably infected them with something that they didn’t have the medicine to protect themselves from, and killed them. Rats were extremely adaptable scavengers, who use whatever they need to in order to survive, whether it be the horrible or the unimaginable. Since rats don’t particularly like water, they would do choose any other option than to deal with it, and that’s exactly what they did.

They used Blinkie’s body as both a home and a food source, Inkie’s too, rats were crawling out of her shirt, making it slip off and reveal a similar view as Blinkie’s, but not as bad. The rats had decided to eat through Blinkie and Inkie’s skin, leading to their organs and other internal body parts. They had been eating away at her, eating her organs, skin, muscle, anything they could find in there that was edible. Since they had already eaten through the skin, whatever organs were left were falling out of their bodies, with the rats living in the place of the organs they had already eaten.

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