Chapter 7: Anger

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Pinkamena didn't dream, nor did she have a nightmare, it was just black. For a few seconds, it was just black. Though, it was probably longer in the real world. She didn't really care though, after some of the things she's been through, she would probably just have terrible nightmares. But, despite how terrible it may have been, it wouldn't even compare to the nightmare she was living now.

She had woke up on the ground staring up at the ceiling, her body sore and beaten up, and still naked. But, unlike before, she didn't really care. Honestly, she didn't care for anything anymore. She just felt...broken. It was a strange feeling, but, she didn't dislike it. She didn't really feel like laying on the cold floor naked and thinking about her situation, so, after an internal struggle with herself about getting up, she decided to sit up and look around at her new environment.

The first thing she saw was a wooden door, a big one. It was as tall as the roof, but not very wide. It was brown with black lines going down it, the lines only separated by a few inches. The door had a window but had bars on her side, the bars too close together to stop her from reaching her hand through them. She tried to look through the window, but there seemed to be a metal panel on the other side, and as far as she could tell, it could only be opened from the other side. Overall, the door seemed like a cell room door. Which meant she was in a cell room, and she was the captive.

Pinkamena stood up and decided to look around, if this was going to be her new home, she might as well get used to it. The roof was made out of concrete, a dark grey with blotches of color randomly spread out, most likely from age and use. The floor seemed to be the same, except there were many more blotches of color. The walls were also the same, seems to have fewer blotches, for whatever reason. The room itself was quite small, it was a two by two room, with nearly nothing in it. The only thing in the room other than her was an old, rusty bucket in the corner, which, she imagined, was to be used as a bathroom. It may have been unsanitary, but at least they gave her something. It's still better than the floor.

She noticed there was no bed or even a mattress. Either she was expected to sleep on the floor, or she had to earn it somehow. But, she wasn't really concerned about sleep at the moment, she's been unconscious too many times for too long. Besides, even if she could, she wouldn't sleep. There were too many things preventing her from properly sleeping, hunger, her sore body, her emotional issues, just too many factors to sleep for long, if at all. Then again, after her time in the forest, she's learned how to sleep with pain or hunger. But, this wasn't the cruelty of nature, this was the cruelty of humans. Something much different, and much worse. Though, she was both too mentally and physically exhausted to deal with anything.

All she wanted right now was to be left alone to her thoughts, despite how useless that would be. If she still had any fight in her, she would probably be using the bucket to try to break down the door, which wouldn't work. But, she didn't have any fight in her, she didn't feel depressed either, she just felt...tired. She didn't even feel like walking, she crawled to the corner opposite of the one the bucket was in, got into a fetal position, and just stayed there. Not crying or sobbing, simply just sitting there, thinking.

She couldn't tell how long she was there; there were no windows in her cell to let her know whether it was day or night, but, she was fairly sure she had been there for at least an hour. And for that time, she just stayed in the fetal position, cold, hungry, tired, and alone. She probably would have stayed that way too, but someone had come in. She didn't look up to see who it was; she didn't really care. She just listened, as whoever came in unlatched the door, opened it, shut it behind them, and walked in front of her. She knew they were in front of her, because she didn't here any more footsteps after they stopped in front of her, and whoever they were, they did nothing but stare at her for a few minutes until they finally said something.

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