Chapter 9: Mad Science

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Pinkamena woke up, once again, strapped to a table. She found this out the hard way. After waking up, immediately remembering what happened, her eyes quickly opened and her body jolted forward. In doing so, she ended up giving herself a headache. She realized this wasn’t the same table she was used to, it was different. First off, it felt different. Not like the cold, metallic feeling she was used to. It felt more like plastic, but it wasn’t plastic. It had a different feeling to it, a certain kind of texture she couldn’t explain, and she didn’t like it.

It was also vertical, as when she looked straight ahead, she only saw a ceiling. But, the biggest difference, also partly the reason she had a headache, is the number of straps on it. These weren’t the same kind of straps either, the ones on the table before were shackles, not straps. These were leather straps, and while they were weaker than the shackles, there were more of them. Some were in the same places as the shackles, one on her forehead, one on each of her wrist, and one on each of her ankles. But, there were multiple on each part of her. There were straps every few inches going down her arms, and straps every few inches going up her legs. There was a small strap on her neck, three big ones on her torso, and multiple smalls ones spread out the rest of her body.

As she looked down at the multiple straps on her, she noticed something else, she was wearing clothes! She was only used to wearing clothes after she and Blake had ‘fun’, so, it felt weird to wear clothes at any other time, almost wrong. They weren’t fancy clothes either, something you could find in pretty much anyone’s closet. She was wearing a plain, white t-shirt, which must have either been very old, or hadn’t been washed in a while, as the color from it had faded. Her pants seemed to be some blue jeans, like the t-shirt, the colors were faded.

She began to look at her surroundings, but like before, it was too dark to see anything. But, this time, there was no dimly lit lamp, just the darkness. It didn’t scare her, not anymore. Fear, like most of her other emotions, seemed to have left her. After everything she’s experienced the past two months, fighting bears and wolves, living off mother nature, and then being tortured to the breaking point, and being changed into a completely different person, there wasn’t anything she could think of that could make her afraid.

“Master? Are you there?”

Pinkamena whispered in the darkness, not sure what kind of response she was expecting. Anything would have been fine, she just needed to know if it was Blake, or someone else. But there was no response, no whisper from the darkness, there was nothing. Which did nothing but confuse her, for whatever reason, Blake drugged her and dragged her here. She knew it wasn’t the same drug they used before, her nervous system was still normal, not oversensitive in any way. Which meant two things, either Blake was doing a scenario to test her, or, the more likely scenario, she was being given to someone else.

Pinkamena heard a door opening and closing, causing her to tense up. She couldn’t tell where it had come from, but it was close. She looked into the darkness, looking for any sign of a person. But, there was nothing. No other sounds, no movement, there was still nothing. It unsettled her.

There was a sudden flash of light, then the entire room was lit up. This caused Pinkamena’s eyes to dilate, having been used to darkness and only dim light, the sudden bright light causing her to go temporarily blind. She reflexively closed her eyes, to adjust. But, this wasn’t just a sudden change from darkness to light, it’s been little less than a month since she’s seen any kind of bright light. Her eyes were adjusted to barely being able to see, adjusting back would take a few minutes. But, it’s better for this to happen now, then in combat or an escape attempt.

She slightly opened her eyes every now and again, hoping her eyes had adjusted, but, they hadn’t. It took nearly five minutes before they were, luckily, whoever had turned on the light, was generous enough to let her adjust. When she did, she decided to take a look at her now visible surroundings. At least, as much as she can with her head strapped down to her head.

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