Chapter 11: Get Ready

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"So, when's this party getting started?"

Blake asked blatantly, his usual obnoxious, cocky tone very present. The room he was in was very spacious, made to hold up to ten, but currently only had three. But unlike most of the rooms, this was made warmer and more welcoming way. Not because they discuss important things here, most of the time. But because this room was where they observed the battles below, in the battle arena, where the fun happens.

The room was quite large since it was intended to hold up to ten people, But, it didn't have that many things in it. Mostly chairs, and a table in the back, which usually had someone behind it, holding bets. But since this was a test and not the usual pseudo-gladiator battle they usually did, only Igneous, Discord, and Blake were in the room.

The other thing in the room was a refrigerator, holding alcohol and other drinks. And a white cabinet that had snacks, such as chips, jerky, sandwiches, etc. There was usually only one fight a week, so the stuff in there usually lasted a while before new snacks had to be put in.

The walls, floor, and roof were all made out of dark wood, same as the chairs and table. Making almost the entire room a dark brown, which was a neutral color for most people. The light sources consisted of a white lamp on the betting table, some ceiling lights, and the spotlights for the arena. There were two spotlights, both on the other side of a long, metallic glass window. Which is what was used to watch the battles, but since there was nothing currently happening, the room was nearly pitch black.

Blake was leaning back in a chair, his hands behind his head and his feet propped up on the table, an obnoxious smile on his face. He was wearing his usual outfit, with something new around his neck. A silver necklace with a golden heart at the end, a red jewel embedded in the center. Somehow, it felt familiar to him, but he couldn't place where. Discord was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, near the glass window, his back facing the wall. He was wearing his usual doctor outfit, he had a laptop in his lap, not typing on the keyboard, just focusing on the screen, as if he was watching something. Igneous was laying his back against the wall across from Blake, also wearing his usual outfit, but had a black fedora on with a white bond, his eyes were closed in thought, and had his arms crossed.

"Soon, be patient. I'm as eager to see this as you are, but we don't have much time left, maybe a week, we can't afford mistakes. Besides, it's good we have this chance to talk. Things have been distant between us ever since this whole thing started. I understand why though, Blake you've been busy setting things up with The Apples since they've angsty. Discord, you've been busy with fine tuning the process to help increase the chances, which I understand takes time. And I've been distracted hunting down our silent friend. It's has been a busy and eventful summer."

Igneous said tiredly, sleep's been hard for him lately, it's been days since he slept. After this test, he had planned to let Blake and Discord run things for a bit while he took a long needed nap.

"Yeah, I'd agree on eventful, but not busy. It has been pretty crazy around here but also really fun! Torturing your daughter, dealing with The Apples, trying to find out who The Silent Killer is. Sure, it's aggravating. But it's nice to have something difficult for once!"

Blake exclaimed loudly, impatience in his voice, it's obvious he's been waiting for this for a long time, But Igneous has been waiting longer.

"Heh, I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree. Whoever this person is, they've killed dozens of criminals, including some of our guys and The Apples, have caused the city to doubt The N.Y.P.D., and is proving to be very elusive. But, I have to admit, the challenge is refreshing. After all, it's not like they're a threat to The Syndicate. They're only really a threat to our relationship with The Apples, which was unstable before. So, there's no real threat, might as well enjoy it, opportunities like this are pretty rare."

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