Chapter 16 - Dates galore

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Skulduggery – Crow

Anton – Bear

Ghastly – Panda

Dexter – Wolf

Saracen – Weasel

Erskine – Snake


Chapter 16

In the morning, Valkyrie was thirsty, hungry and still quite tired but a jolt excitement rushed through her and she grabbed her phone that was in the covers with her where she'd accidentally forgotten it. When she unlocked it, she had that message from Nadia still.

Typing quickly, she wrote, 'I loved it too, I'll find a nice place for our date soon. How are you? X'

She left it at that, pulled on pyjamas and went down to the kitchen where the others were having their breakfasts and teas. They all smiled or grinned at her when she took her seat and she spent considerable effort not looking at them and simply spreading jam on her toast instead. Finally, when she had poured herself orange juice to go with it, she looked at Tanith.

"So," she said, sipping her juice. "Anything fun happen on your end?"

Tanith smirked but told her she'd had a nice time talking with an old acquaintance, dancing with their friends and occasionally spying on her and Nadia out the window.

"Sounds like a nice time," Valkyrie said and completely ignored the suggested opening. She bit into her toast and felt her phone vibrate and looked at it. 'You woke me up! Screw you. But I'm happy to hear from you x'.

Valkyrie smiled and texted back, 'I'm about to be interrogated'.


'They think it's funny. Brb,' she sent and then put her phone away for the moment. She still had everyone looking at her. "You got your question time," she frowned at Weasel, Wolf and Snake. "And you probably told everyone else so no one can even begin."

"You can't do that, Val," Tanith said, in mock-horror. "You're our experiment."

"Our practice child," Snake added.

"Our chance to live like a kid again," Tanith continued.

"You already do that," Valkyrie pointed out. "But you also have a motorbike, so you do it better. I don't see what's so fun about this."

"What's so fun is that this is your girlfriend," Wolf pointed out. "And it's going to be really fun for us to tell you what to do."

"Right, first off, I'm not doing anything you tell me, secondly, she is not my girlfriend yet so please don't start saying that. And lastly, you were giving me all these rules last night and now you're contradicting yourself," she said hotly. "You can't have it both ways."

"Yes, but we thought you'd like someone bad," Crow said. "Someone too old, or annoying, or someone that interrupted us or that–"

"Shut up," Valkyrie interrupted.

He sighed. "Hopeless. What we thought would happen didn't, and you chose a nice person your own age with similar interests that didn't try to kiss you or do anything we didn't like so we don't have to worry."

"We basically spend all night judging you two," Tanith cheekily provided. Valkyrie threw a spoon at her which she caught and put in the right place. "And we're getting off-topic. Where are you two going to go?"

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