Chapter 54 - The OTHER bomb

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Skulduggery – Crow

Anton – Bear

Ghastly – Panda

Dexter – Wolf

Saracen – Weasel

Erskine – Snake

Solomon – Raven


Chapter 54

After the jealous wave of Crow not balancing his time, Valkyrie and Crow came up with a nice deal where Valkyrie went on once less case a week so that Crow and Raven could spend time together. And that one day, or duration of a case if it was a big one, she would spend doing school work so she didn't get behind and have to spend days off in order to catch up.

It was a nice agreement since Valkyrie could see an excited and happy Crow instead of an angry man holding onto the past. It made Valkyrie wonder if some of that anger at Serpine had been for the man causing him to lose a lifelong friendship as well as the obvious murdering of loved ones. Plus she could choose the day and if a weekend fitted the schedule of criminal activity, she could spend time with Nadia.

So they spent the weeks like that – days working in harmony with Crow, evenings with family and nights with Nadia, or rather, her phone. And the late nights with... Nadia in her mind. And Nadia often knew it. They hadn't quite progressed to talking about it with each other but were instead playing a game of knowing what the other was doing whilst never saying it. It was exhilarating and Valkyrie felt herself get more excited in their relationship for each night instead of just for the next time seeing each other – though she was still excited to spend time with her of course. She was getting more comfortable with the idea of moving forwards but honestly knew she was too embarrassed to dare say anything yet.

That was her boundary, she had decided. When she wasn't embarrassed about the idea anymore, she was ready to move forward. Nadia was the usual confident and calm and didn't push Valkyrie at all, except maybe with the pictures. Still no real nakedness, but more than Valkyrie needed to imagine. She was certainly enjoying playing with Valkyrie like that.

Valkyrie's fifteenth birthday passed in a flurry of cards, presents and a theatre performance she saw with Nadia, and then Nadia's sixteenth birthday passed two months later even quicker, and then Christmas with the massive Christmas tree they tepeed on Christmas morning for the hell of it. That had turned into wrapping each other in toilet rolls and opening presents as Mummies.

It was the New Year Sanctuary party, snowy and cold, that the mess began.

Valkyrie hadn't been there, just Wolf and Weasel had attended, but they had called and Fletcher teleported Valkyrie and Crow over. He left quickly, barely saving himself from being decapitated.

"What's going on?" Valkyrie shouted over the noise and then got her answer when a vampire flew into a man and ripped his neck out. "They're using the serum!"

"Good, they're more vulnerable!" Crow shouted, shooting one in the face. "Try to arrest any not covered in blood or murdering, the rest can be killed."

Valkyrie nodded to herself and jumped into the fray, clicking fire into her hands and throwing it at one whose hair caught fire. The vampire screamed and ran at Valkyrie wildly, letting her know the young woman was a new vampire who'd been told that all a vampire wanted is to kill and drink blood, making her very easy to trick with her own fighting skills.

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