Skulduggery – Crow
Anton – Bear
Ghastly – Panda
Dexter – Wolf
Saracen – Weasel
Erskine – Snake
Solomon – Raven
Corrival – Pa
Warning: Very strong themes of rape and abuse
Chapter 100
Valkyrie was shaken awake that morning and almost shot out of bed in a panic.
"Calm down," Wolf said, a little smile on his lips. "It's just us. You need to get ready, Skul got a call."
She nodded, resting a hand over her hammering heart, and reached for her phone before remembering it was dead. Disappointment flooded her, but there might be time later to get another cord so she didn't think about it too much and rushed to get ready. Within ten minutes they were racing down the stairs after Crow.
The car was freezing as the heatwave had abruptly ended and it was barely past six in the morning. The Bentley hummed and shot off when Crow put his foot down but this time she was prepared and breathed deeply as Crow drove them through the little town and then back around to a motorway towards the west of Ireland.
"What was the call?" She asked Crow after a few minutes.
"A man of our suspect's description was seen by the coast," he said tightly.
"What about Raven?"
"Seen with him."
They didn't speak for the ride over, and they had to leave the car a few miles away and take a bus in to avoid being recognised. The phone call, Crow said, indicated the man was in the port with all the cargo boats and massive warehouses. There was a bustling fishermen's market in the town and they followed the crowds into a warehouse that was filled with boxes and stalls.
"There aren't enough people," Crow muttered.
Valkyrie frowned. "There are nearly two hundred people in here," she said quietly back, but he either ignored her or didn't hear and began walking. She gave Wolf a look and he could only give her a sympathetic smile. Stupid skeleton. She'd find something she could rip a new one out of. Perhaps she'd pull his jaw off.
Stewing in her anger, she followed around to the back where less people were milling and the shops had less content. The stench of fish turned Valkyrie's stomach. Wolf took her hand and gave her another smile, this time in support, and they walked much slower behind their brother. Crow began looking over the fish with a smile on his facade and fake gusto in his walk. He began questioning the sellers on their items, specifically the crabs it seemed, and Valkyrie had to look away or she was going to kick him. She squeezed Wolf's hand and it helped.
"Don't look now, but there's a man staring at you," Wolf said lowly. "Dark, tall and average over there."
She nodded and they looked over a stall for a moment before turning around on themselves and giving Valkyrie just a moment to see the staring man staring at her with the white of his eyes glowing with hatred before they were moving again.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Raising Cain
Fanfiction(This story is written as a fanfiction, but can be read as a story without having read any of the books.) Valkyrie Cain, the adoptive daughter of the Dead Men, has had a life full of love and magic. But as she gets older, times become scarier and sh...