Chapter 36 - Fletcher gets The Talk!

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Skulduggery – Crow

Anton – Bear

Ghastly – Panda

Dexter – Wolf

Saracen – Weasel

Erskine – Snake

Solomon – Raven


Chapter 36

It was three days later Valkyrie finally felt rested and well-adjusted from her fight with the Diablerie and being punished by Crow. They hadn't spoken, mostly because Crow was on a lot of cases following leads on small crimes, and at the same time trying to use his international contacts to get Rose now she was alone, meaning Valkyrie was left at home as promised.

With six friends that all wanted to make it up to her for being inconsiderate. Plus a twit that always wanted attention.

"Hey Fletcher," Valkyrie said, sitting beside him.

Peregrine had left them the morning after the fight and was grateful to her, giving her his number in case she needed him for anything, and then teleported away. She still wasn't sure she liked him but had decided he was nice enough. To be fair, she was too upset with other things whilst he'd been there for them to warm to each other.

Fletcher had stayed on the orders of Meritorious. As he was seventeen, he was a minor, and it had either been him willingly staying with the Dead Men or forcefully staying in a group home with his magic bound.

"Hi," he said, sitting down with a heaving sigh and looking completely despondent.

"Oh, it won't be that bad," Valkyrie laughed, gathering her things together. "You'll like it more than you think. It's not like normal school."

Tanith and Weasel came in then for their morning work.

"Right," Tanith smiled. "We'll start with maths and work our way into practical magic, then have lunch, some outdoor activities we found, English, then Irish for Valkyrie and cooking for Fletcher. We'll have dinner. Then I thought we'd talk about a topic over dessert for an hour or so or whenever we feel like and watch a movie."

Weasel nodded along. "I'm glad one of us is organised."

Tanith placed a stack of books she was carrying on the table and, with their help, they split the tables up into 'desks'. The tables were large, square office desks pressed together usually to make a very large second meeting room next to Gordon's old office. Valkyrie used to play under the desks in hide and seek as a kid. With them split up, it was meant to prevent getting too distracted with the other persons work.

Valkyrie set her stuff up – pen on top of her books, a different one per subject, all her revision and work books they were using to assist teaching her, a large book with all Shakespeare's works, a novel Gordon wrote right after she was born and then a cup with all her highlighters, gel pens, pencils, ruler, rubber and other random things she had collected to make the process as easy as possible. She had collected some things for Fletcher too, but he had put it all in a pile and shoved it into the middle of his desk, leant back on his chair and looked like he'd rather die.

Tanith sat with Valkyrie to go over her maths.

She was in fake year nine, fake because there were no years now she'd convinced her family to home school her following the swimming 'incident', and that meant she was doing advanced algebra. Valkyrie liked algebra – it was fractions that stressed her.

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