Skulduggery – Crow
Anton – Bear
Ghastly – Panda
Dexter – Wolf
Saracen – Weasel
Erskine – Snake
Solomon – Raven
Corrival – Pa
Chapter 90
They got back and did indeed talk about it, but Valkyrie only asked for the family who she would appreciate advice from. Luckily, the full family was home. She had Tanith, of course, Anton, Dexter and Skulduggery.
Now, usually Crow wouldn't be involved in advice giving since he was prone to insulting her, but she wanted a perspective from the law this time.
They gathered in Valkyrie's room because that's where she was stressing when Tanith brought them to her.
"Calm down, Cub," Wolf said immediately, a warm smile on his face. "Sit down with us and talk."
She crawled onto the bed and sat against the headboard with Wolf, his arm around her waist comfortably. Bear opted for a chair at the side of the bed, Crow sat on the edge at the end and Tanith plonked herself cross-legged in the middle with a packet of crisps. On the way home she'd shouted she was too full and felt sick, but it seemed to have faded now.
Valkyrie told them what happened. She tried not to talk about how astonished she was to see her and how amazing she looked, but Wolf asked a few questions about it and she ended up blushing and agreeing that yes, she was blown away. They then spoke about the health side of Nadia and they were all equally worried. Her family loved Nadia because she loved her. They didn't want her suffering, especially as they feared it was down to stress.
When they started talking about Mr Vinay, they got more serious. "I just don't understand why he isn't letting me near her if he asked me to do it, even if he wasn't completely on board. He came alone the first time. If he really hates me that much, surely he wouldn't come at all."
"I find it strange how he's gone from that lovely man before to the one he is now," Tanith mused.
"There is a chance he was controlling before, but that his family was cooperative with what he wanted," Wolf said thoughtfully.
Valkyrie shrugged. "Nadia never mentioned it. She always spoke about how her dad was on her side a lot and that her mum was always trying to force her into things. I mean, even when they were saying how she'd lost weight and the school wanted to send her home Mrs Keena was saying how amazing the place was and that she wanted her to stay there."
"People change," Crow said. "Or perhaps Dexter is right and it is only now he is exerting his power over the family. It may be after spending time with his mother, who you said is head of the family and enjoys family traditions very much, he has decided to be more like her."
Valkyrie nodded. "I suppose that would make sense. But it doesn't help Nadia."
"No, it does not," Crow agreed.
"Why don't you go visit her again?" Wolf said.
"She may not welcome an intrusion," Bear interjected.
"Bear might be right. I remember her saying the rooms at the school are shared and at home they were being more vigilant over her, at least last summer. Maybe it's changed since she came home this time, but I personally don't want to get caught, plus I don't think it'll make her life easier," Valkyrie told them. "I can still send a letter, but I doubt Mr Vinay will let her have it, and I expect they'll be checking on her phone."

Skulduggery Pleasant: Raising Cain
Fanfiction(This story is written as a fanfiction, but can be read as a story without having read any of the books.) Valkyrie Cain, the adoptive daughter of the Dead Men, has had a life full of love and magic. But as she gets older, times become scarier and sh...