3.Asher? (Virgil)

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Prince Asher Dewitt... Prince Asher... What kind of name is Asher? I'm sorry but I still can't seem to get over that.  I've been here for what, 2 two weeks... a month... 3? Honestly, I lost track. I shut down and just went through the days. It was around the time that voice said 'congrats, you're cursed, enjoy the rest of your eternity.' Yeah, I was not happy. But what did I expect? This random disembodied voice told me they can make everything better and I didn't think maybe I shouldn't accept. Doesn't matter now, it's a bit too late to be crying over it now. I did that last week.

I even met our doubles. And by ours I meant mine. They can't be doubles if I am the only one from my world here.  It didn't take long. This is an alternate universe. Meaning, there are going to be other Sanders Sides even if they aren't always sanders sides. I've read the fanfics. I know what's out there. Lord Roman is still the same egotistical asswipe is at home. More assy if that's possible. He was picking on this guy, so obviously I stepped in. I never could ignore Roman. Even if it isn't my Roman.

Do you have any idea how hard being a prince is? I never gave him the credit but it is hard. Honestly, I've been listening to one of his songs on repeat just to try and get into the mindset. You know the song 'you should see me in a crown' by Billie Eilish? Yeah, I pretty much have it memorized by now.

Anyway, in order to stop Lord shitface from causing any issues, I had to extend an offer of courtesy... by punishing the man. Sick right? it gets better. The man has a sickly aunt and he couldn't have her be taking care of everything. That and I think he was just scared of her. So I couldn't do it. He didn't do anything anyway.

So I ran to daddy and had him think it over. He said that if I wanted to shield the man, I had to take responsibility. Meaning he is my problem. They made him my servant. One good thing... the pays good and he doesn't have to worry about his sick aunt. Today's the day he starts. Great! NOT! I still have so much I need to wrap my head around. 

I just stared at the banner's that surrounded the throne room. This is nothing like Roman's room. Of course, that man went all out and made his room a Disney wonderland. I should stop thinking about home so much. It's not like I will ever get to go back. I should just enjoy what lives I live next. You know... Instead of being so heartsick.

"Alexander Maudit, I see you've finally made it." I looked up to see the man I saved yesterday. If saved is even the right word to use. His black hair was brushed back, showing some freckles I hadn't noticed last I saw him. His blue eyes were wide with fear as my father stood proudly in front of his throne. Something I learned quite fast... The king does not like being made to wait.

"Father, I do believe this is his first day here. It would only make sense that he would get lost." I said as I stepped out of the shadows allowing myself to be a part of all this. It was my fault anyway might as well try to do something. Besides I got lost my first 7 days here, this was nothing compared to how bad I was.

I watched Alex as he looked lost in thought. Suddenly he got very sad and that familiar sense of awkward began to creep in. I bit my lip and looked away as my father began to go over the basics of Alex's new position. 

Blah blah, fetch the food... Blah blah, wash the clothes... Blah blah, polish the swords... blah blah, Assist in dressing. 

Wait, the hell? THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY I AM LETTING ANYONE DRESS ME! Sorry but that is off the list. Not gonna happen, try again with someone else!

I stuck my tongue out at him while he was to busy talking to notice. Alex however, began to snicker, which of course upset my father.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing my lord. I meant no disrespect. Please forgive my unfortunate outbursts." I just stood there in awe. It was like his entire aura had changed. Yesterday he was a stumbling mess. Now... In that moment. He was in control. He spoke softly and with courtesy. Like he's been in this sort of position before. Maybe I should ask him for some lessons. I'm not always on top of how I talk and it never hurts to practice.

"From now on you are the sole responsibility of my son Prince Asher Dewitt." He turned to me and my temperature dropped. He still makes me anxious just having been near him. When he looked at me, I tensed up as my anxiety crawled its way up. "I expect perfection. Do not make me regret this decision. I have a war to plan."

"Yes, father."

"Yes, my king."

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now