21. The End (Virgil)

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I woke up to find him gone again. It's getting harder to keep track of where he goes off to. I got out of bed and got dressed purposely forgetting the necklace he got me the second day I was here. The one good thing out of all this shit, was he stopped seeing me as a girl. Turned out he didn't care about that. Not that it mattered... He's not my type.

The first thing that hit me when I left the room was the smell of meat. There was going to be a barbeque today and it smelt delicious. The second was the sound of yelling. He's at it again, isn't he? I followed the sound and arrived to find him and one of our guards arguing again. I am getting tired of splitting it up. How long have I even been here anyway? I lost count.

"LUPIN!" I watched as the two of them froze up, glancing back at me with apprehension. I narrowed my eyes and Lupin looked down. He knew he was in the doghouse for this. "This is the 5th time this week, that I wake up to find you fighting with someone. What is it about now?"

"Well, mis..." Lupin had the guard by the throat before he could even finish the word. "ter... mister."

"Let him go Lupin." He looked back at me and sighed. The guard started apologizing. it was annoying. I didn't come here to deal with this. Then again I didn't come here by choice. I walked over to the guy and helped him off the ground. "I hope my husband didn't hurt you too bad?" Husband... god I hated that word. All it did was piss me off. The only reason I agreed was to keep him from running off and killing Roman. The guard shook his head, once again apologizing to me. I just rolled my eyes in response. "What were you discussing?"

"It was about our next move. Roman hasn't tried anything for a while and we're afraid to nothing." My eyes went wide and I glared at Lupin. I swear I even heard him whine. To think this is the same man that dragged me here. I did tell him there was no one alive that could control me... well that's not entirely true either. "Sir?"

"He's out of moves. He won't be doing anything any time soon. Unless it's to contact me. So don't worry." I smiled back at the guard as he ran off to do something. I don't know what. All I did know was I was being pulled in by Lupin. Another dance from the touchy-feely wolfman. "What are you doing?"

"I'm showing my creative side."

"Creativity isn't just about dance. It's about the thought. It's about art and life. Love... Besides..." I pushed myself out of his arms and he sighed. "You're not my type."

"I could be."

"No you could... n't..." I gripped my chest as my heart started to race. I fell to my knees and I could hear as Lupin started to freak out. 

"Virgil? Virgil what's wrong?!" I just shook my head. I couldn't talk it was like my throat was filling up. I felt my body seize up and I watched in horror as I threw up blood... and petals. It was horrible. My entire body was on fire. "Virgil, your body. SOMEONE GETS SOME HELP HERE!"

I looked at my hands and watched as one by one rose tattoos began to appear on my skin. The same tattoos Roman had on him. Wait? Roman...

I screamed out as my body convulsed in pain, causing me to throw up more petals. It was gross and terrifying. I lost all strength in my body and fell onto my back. I looked up to see everyone rushing about trying to figure out what was wrong with me. But... I didn't see them.

I saw him.

I saw him reach out towards me.

I saw him smile and take my hand.

I saw my love.

I saw my Roman...

And then it went black.

Book 2? Yay? Nay? Well to bad. Imma make one lol!!!

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now