14. A job... (Roman)

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"Well, she was right about one thing. I never would have thought you were... well you."

"Well, I can say the same about you. Virgil, you're a girl." Virgil had me up against the wall in no time flat. He grabbed a fork of the nearest table and held it up towards me as an obvious threat.

"Call me a girl one more time and this fork is going in your eye." I nodded furiously as Patton pulled Virgil off of me. "I am still a guy, Roman, regardless of my outward appearance".

"Well, your outward appearance looks like a badass biker chick with anger issues." I said as I sat back down. I was starting to get lightheaded. I glanced at the roses of my wrist and cringed. Two... At least, for now, that's all that's there. "I'm sorry, ok. It's just I wasn't expecting it. However, you seem to have... gotten into the role."

"I wasn't just going to sit and hide until I die. Although the thought had crossed my mind... And I did want to. It's just a lot, Roman. I have been through a lot. Since the first day, I got here. Since the first day, I arrived in the last place. It's been stress after stress... I'm pissed."  He sat down next to me, his head in his hands. 

"Uh, well I have no clue what's going on but how about we go on a job, huh?" I had completely forgotten they were there. "Logan thinks we should hunting job." I saw as Virgil's eyes went wide and he began to fidget.

"What type of hunting job?"

"You scared you'll die again?" I meant it as a joke, because of how poor his fighting skills are but he looked terrified. "Hey, I didn't mean..."

"I'm not worried about fighting, Roman. I've been here awhile. I've learned quite a bit. I just want to know what we would be hunting." His eyes never left the table or his hands.

"Well, there's this village that's been having poor luck. It's just been attacks after attacks, and many refuse to help now because nothing sticks. The monsters there are lower level but there are a lot of them." So basically it's a grinding arena. This place really does have a lot of game mechanics. To bad respawn isn't a thing... right?

"What type of monsters?" It's like he's in some sort of debate. He's looking at his hands, refusing to make eye contact. He's asking all these questions. If he isn't afraid of fighting, then what's the problem.

"Well, mostly giant insects. But there have been reports of Goblins and Lurkers... a few Dire wolves."

"Ok, that sounds like fun." Virgil jumped up, brushing himself off and fixing his hair. I had to admit it was weird seeing Virgil as a girl but if it meant having him with me, I'm happy. "So... Where are we headed?"

"Arcton!" Virgil's face deflated real fast. "It's this little town right in..."

"I know where it is." Well, he doesn't sound so happy anymore. "We'll get there faster if take the eastern train. Problem is there's a request from them too. If we are going to go to Arcton, we should that one fist."

"Guess we're going to a train station."

A͡ll҉ Aboa̢rd̛!̛

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now