5.Morality?! (Roman)

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It's been a bit since I came here. Things have been hectic, to say the least. We are in the middle of a war and things aren't looking good. Not to mention I'm a bit on edge. Things have just been going from bad to worst since the big Kickstarter that set it all off. The King...

The king died. Yeah, that happened. The day I showed up and everything. I was waiting for the ball to drop and the soldiers come to court me away for speculation of treason. They didn't though. No idea why, but I have a feeling it was because of Ash. He's different...

Now don't get me wrong here. I was never heartless or uncaring when it came to those who worked for me but... He doesn't act like a prince either. At least not in public. It's like there are two different people. When it's just us he's... how do I explain it. He's judgy and mouthy. He's totally unrefined. He's sarcastic and cranky. But... He's caring and protective and Loyal. He does something that Virgil would never do. He lets me in. He tells me how he feels and how stressful his days are going. He lets his guard down with me.

However, when he's out and about, he's His Royal Highness, Asher Dewitt. Cold, Calculating, careful, and just plainly closed off. It's like he's... well its like he's channeling Logan. Logic, you know, unfeeling, robotic. He's always taking everything in. EVERYTHING! It's like he's in overdrive since his father past. He's hyper-aware and always trying to think several steps ahead to avoid any and all complications.

 It's hard to juggle if I'm being honest. It's not like I separate them too. Like this the real Ash or anything. Both sides are the real him. I've come to realize it's how he manages to survive. Like how Virgil was a sarcastic prick on the outside but on the inside he was a soft as Patton's favorite stuffed dog. Or how Patton was so pure and innocent and slightly annoying, childish and whatnot on the outside but on the inside he was struggling. And Logan, well, he had anger issues.

Speaking of Logan, why didn't Ash ask for him? I questioned around and found out that Lord Roman was actually another me. He's the me of this universe. Not only that, but the others are here to... including Virgil. I think they said his name was Virgil Trainer. I should really go and find him. You know, just to see...

God, I miss him. He was amazing. I saw the part of him that he kept hidden. All those times I picked on him, it was just my way of getting him to see me, talk to me, interact with me. I loved that smile, those eyes. I remember listening to War of Hearts on repeat for god knows how long, just because I thought it described how I felt perfectly. I know that this isn't my Virgil though. I want my Virgil... The one I fell for.

It's just... I've come to realize that I'm not me. I am no longer Roman Sanders. I am Alexander Maudit. It makes sense that since I am not Roman, there would still be a Roman. The voice said this was an AU... Yes, I read fanfictions, mainly Prinxiety but whatever, not the point. The point is the part still needed to be filled. 

Anyway, Ash asked for a Patton Starring, not a Logan. I'm confused, wouldn't Logic be the better person to advise the future king in what to do for war and not... well Patton. I looked at Ash to see him practically falling asleep at the table. The papers in front of him were plastered about in a complete mess.

"Greetings young man and..." I turned around to find a someone standing in the doorway. The light behind him blinding me from seeing him well enough. "... Your Highness, I believe you sent for me. I apologize for my tardiness."

"What?!" Ash but up from the table, after having slammed his head down on it. His forehead was red from the impact but his cheeks were red from embarrassment. I just smiled as he started mumbling about being existed. "Sorry about that. Welcome, I could use your intellect."

"Of course, Kiddo." The man stepped forward and my world practically exploded. There was Patton. Glasses and curly hair and everything, except... He was wearing a buttoned-up white shirt with a dark blue tie and nice black pants. I was so confused!

"MORALITY?!" The two of them stared at me with this confusion that made me uncomfortable. So I quickly came up with the best save ever. "Uh... I-I. I mean. More... uh... More tea. You don't have tea though so... Do you want tea? Yeah, that's what I said. Would you like any tea?"

"Yes, That would be nice, and a cookie if you have any." Of course, Patton asked for a cookie. Ash just kept staring at me. It was making me a little uneasy. 

"I'll get them right away."

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now