19. Werewolves (Virgil)

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"Wolves," I growled out as the scent of them filled the air. I saw Logan sigh as he started sneezing again. I felt so bad for him. He must have been struggling since I met him. Of course, he would be allergic to me. I just thank god Roman wasn't too. That would have been it for me. Virgil, focus. Right now you need to think. Patton pulled Logan and Deceit inside with Roman following behind. It was clear with this amount there was nothing they could do. Roman stopped and looked over at me. "You go with them, I'm gonna stay out here, to see what's going on."

"Be careful." I nodded and Roman grabbed my arm. I saw the fear in his eyes and I smiled. 

"I promise to look for you ok?" He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and nodded.

"Don't die. Then you won't have to." He let go of my arm only to grab my hand as I started to leave. He held it to his lips, kissing my hand softly. "I love you, Virgil."

"Get inside, you lughead." He laughed as he finally let go, joining the others inside. illusionary magic won't work with us wolves. Our sense of smell is acute and our hearing alone is too much to hide from. So I didn't bother. I watched as the dust clouds got closer. I could here Roman inside freaking out over me not having moved. I told him I was going to stay out here. I never said I was going to hide.  I glanced over to see Roman looking back through the door. I smiled at him as the clouds of dust surrounded me, separating me from them. I stood up straight as the wolves circled around me. "Ok, come at me."

I felt my fangs grow and claws come out. The world around me slowed as I went into a partial transformation. I watched as someone walked out of the cloud and wolves. They stood in front of me and smiled. This isn't going to go well.

"Where's your pack, Bitch?" 

"Excuse me?" He laughed and I growled.

"Where's your pack?"

"Oh no, see I heard that. I was referring to you what you called me. My names Virgil, and I am no bitch." He raised an eyebrow at me and looked me over. I growled again and he smiled. "Don't test me."

"Who's in charge of you?" This guy was testing my limits. Yes ok, I AM IN A FEMALE BODY BUT I AM STILL A FUCKING DUDE!

"You got it wrong. I am the man in charge here. There's no one alive that can control me."  I held my hand up brandishing my claws like knives. "You want to try?" 

I launched at him and he smiled. The other wolves stopped running and just stood there watching like this was some sort of ring fight. Except it was very one-sided. Every move I made he countered. It was only making me madder.

"Feisty, I like it." He said as he blocked my arm, drawing me in close. It took all I had not to cringe. "What do you say to being with a real alpha?"

"I'd say fuck off." I twisted my arm, turning myself around. He just laughed pulling me in again. It was like some sick dance. 

"Such harsh tongue. For someone so beautiful." I put myself into a split, sliding myself underneath him as he growled in excitement spinning around to face me.

"You're not my type. I don't go for brutes. Try being more... I glanced over at the building to see Roman talking to Patton. "...creative."

"Creative?" I shook myself out of my thoughts and went at him again. He grabbed my arm spinning me around until he had me by the waist again. "How this for creative?" He started leading me through the crowd of wolves as I struggled to get out of his grasp. It had become a literal dance. I spotted Roman walking to the door, during one of the spins, and I freaked out. I dug my claws into his arm, causing him to yell out and push away. I looked up to find Roman looking back at me, horror in his eyes. I felt arms wrap around me and I froze. "Is he your type?"

"Bite me." I whispered as I felt the guys hot breath on my neck. He picked me up and put me on his shoulder dispite my protest, laughing at me while he did.

"With pleasure..." He growled as he spoke causing the glass doors to vibrate in response. Roman eyes went dark as he opened the door, walking out to stan in front of him. I could tell he was about ready to attack him.

"Roman don't!" He looked back at me with wide eyes, his hand already on his sword. "I'll find you. Ok? I will find you."

The man just laughed as I stopped struggling. I had to protect Roman. There is no way he could beat this guy. So I let the guy take me. He took me back to this cave, throwing me in this room and shutting the door. I was plunged into the dark. It was all I had not to have an anxiety attack right then and there. Next life...

Can I just be a normal Sanders Side?

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A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now