20. Times up (Roman)

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He's gone and I can't do anything. I've tried. I've run my self-ragged trying. I'm almost at my limit. I can hardly walk anymore. I've to use miracle after miracle trying anything but nothing worked. It was like they knew every choice I would make. It was like...

"What if he joined them?" My eyes went wide as Logan said it. "What if he was only using us to get to them?"

"That makes no sense Logi. He wouldn't need us to get there. He already knew about the job." Patton spoke up when he realized I couldn't.

"That's precisely my point. He was the one that told us about the train job. The very job we didn't even do because the wolves should up. I'm just saying it's a bit suspect. Virgil showing up just when we were looking to do something. Him telling us about the job, and him being a werewolf. It was him I was allergic to the whole time."

"Logan will you shut up!" Logan practically jumped out of his chair. They all just looked at me like I was a bomb about to blow. It doesn't help the fact that they could all clearly see the roses have multiplied. They covered both arms and down my back. It spread across my chest and my legs. I was nearly completely covered. One last miracle... That's all I have left. " The man I love is trapped with people who don't know him. You don't know him..."

"Roman I.."

"He could very well be helping them. But not for the reasons you think. It would be to protect us. That anxious man is more selfless that Morality and that is saying something." They all looked at me like I was talking out of my ass. Of course, to them I probably was. "I don't have much time left. All I wanted to do was spend it with him." All of them awkwardly looked down at their hands after that. I brought the mood down. Then again the mood wasn't very light, to begin with.

I sighed and got up from the table, wishing everyone a good night. I could see the look on Patton's face. He knew this was it. He knew I wouldn't make it till morning. My mind kept running back to what's next. If I don't see him again in this life, what comes next?

T̢hat͏ ̢d͏e͡pe͡nds on w̕hat ̕yo͟u ̸wan̷t͏? ̵I̸ a͠lways ͡ţake ͘yo̧ur̷ wish̴es int̴o̡ ̕c͜ons͠id̶er͢a̡t͏i̷ǫn͟ w͢hil͝e I͝ ̸c͟h̕ose̛ y̨o҉u̕r re͏in̢c͏àrnat́io҉n̨.͏

"You'll really give me what I want?"

̧Whąt҉ d͟o҉ ͘yo͠u ̛wa҉n̵t̛ ̛t̸o be?

"I want to be strong."

You want ̵t̕o ̕be ̴s͠tr̵o̶ņg?

"Yes. I want to be strong. I want to be strong enough so that I can protect those I care about. i don't want curses. I don't want diseases. I don't want anything that could risk his life. Can you do that?"
Ye̛s,́ ͞I ͜can̴ do t͝h̨at̢?

"What happens when I die?"

Y̴o̢u͠ res͠et.͘ ̴Th̛is l̨if̛e͠ ̨en҉d͘s͘ a̛nd ̵y̕óu͝ b͠òt̡h ge̶t ̢réi͝n͠c͜ar͜n̡a̧ted̴.̶

"What do you mean we both do?"

̢R͞om̕an͡, ͝V͟irgil ͝d̷i̛dn҉'҉t҉ ̷j͢ust̀ cur̛se̶ y̶ou.́ ͠H́e c͏u̸rs͟èd hi͜m͟s͏e͞lf.̧ ͟W͘h̡èn̕ on̨e ǫf͏ ̕y͝óu͢ die̡s,͡ ̀s͜o͝ ̵do͘es ͏t̸hè ͢othe͡r̢.͏

"Seriously, what kind of a person curses themself?" I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. My thoughts running a mile minute in my head as I imagined the struggle Virgil must be going through.

R̢o̴m̴a͟n..͞. Ḩe͟ ͡did͜n͜'̛t̕ m҉éaǹ t͘o?

"What do you mean?" I just kept staring at the ceiling, as the lights started to get brighter. I guess it started then huh?

He͠ was ̕co͝n̕fúsed ̷an͡d͞ lo̢s̨t͡. H̀e̸ ͞neede̷d ̢an̕s̢w̢er͟s̴ w̢ith ͝ǹo ̀way͢ t̨o̸ g̶et̷ them.

"So what you offered to help?" I held my hand up, in front of my eyes and watched the bright light hide it. It was starting to become blinding.

I was̛ c̛rȩat̛ed͡ t̷o͏ ͏h̷e͟lp.̀ I am̛ t͜he ̶résult҉ ̴o͘f ͜Vi̧r̛g͟il's̸ unc͠ons͝c͝i͝o͝u̴s de͢s̢i͠re ͏f̢or help̴ .

"Help with what?" The air was starting to get light. So I closed my eyes and tried to relax. 

U̷nd̀ers̷t͜an̶d̨i̷ng.̢.͡.͠ ͞Un̵dérst͠an͏di̵ng͢ y̨ou.

"Hey Faylinn?" 

Yes, ͢R͡o͜m͟an?

"Do your miracles also work in the next life?" There was a pause and then a sigh. 

I ͞ca̶n ̶d͠o̕ ҉t͡hat.͢ B҉ut̡ l̀ik͏è ͟Ì ͞s̷a͝id̴ ̢be̢f̡òr͢é ̕ìt̛ ̴jus̨t dep̨e͏nds ̴on͘ w̴hat̨ y̴ou'r̢ę ͟ask͡ing͞ ̴ḿȩ.͠ ̢I͢f y̶o̢u ̧w͢an̴t̢ ̕me to ҉hel̵p you m̢or̨e.̀.̀.͏

"No, nothing like that. I want to use my last miracle." I held my hands close to my chest and thought of Virgil. I thought of his smile. I thought of his voice. And I thought of his promise. "I want you to make him into creativity."

Wa͜it͞, ͞WH͢AT̀?́ ͠why͡?!

"You said he needed to know what it's like to be me right. I don't care what AU you do. I want this to be the last test. Can you do that?"

I c̴an̸'̴t ̧pr̢o͠mi̛s͏e͝ ͢t҉h̛a̛t̢ ͠this will b͟e҉ h͜i͞s̕ l͏a͞s͟t lif̕e̕.

"That's fine. I want this to be his last test. He's been a prince. He's been a girl. He hasn't been creativity. I just can't see anything else for him to know about me."

The̡re҉ is s͟til͠l o͝ne..̕.

"Then combine it!"

  Y̢o̡u͞r҉ ̵wil̀lin̕g̛ ̧to die,̧ s̸o t͟h͡at Vir͞gi͡l ̸ca҉n̷ fi͠nally ̸l͏ear͟n͝ ͡w̨ha͡t̶ he ̷n͝e͟eds͞.͢ 

"I'm willing to die so that my love can finally be free."

Ok͏.̛ ͝I̵ a̸cc̀ept you͡r̡ re̛q͡u͏est͡.͠ ̢I wi͝ll ̴gr͝a̸nt̛ ̡your ́w̸i͞sḩ.̷.͟.͞

S̴e͝e ̷y̸ou i͘n ̨t̛ḩe͘ n͡ext̕ ļife ͝Roma͝n.

"See you too, Fay." I felt as my body began to burn. Every part of me felt like it was on fire. I felt my lungs fill up and my body seize. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I started coughing up red, but all I saw was Virgil, smiling back at me. And that was all I saw, until it faded to black.

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now