13. So soon?! (Roman)

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"So, how was everyone's break?" I glanced up at Patton, who was desperately trying to fill the silence. At least this Patton is one like Morality. Patton's smart, yes, but a logic Patton just seemed off for some reason. I'm too used to that goofy smile and dad jokes. "Anything Interesting happen?"

"Roman got amnesia." My eyes went wide as Deceit began to laugh. Logan always was quick to the point with everything. He never eases into anything. Patton immediately responded with his typical 'NOOO' he does.

"Roman you remember me right? I'm your dad Patton..."

"You're not my dad." I said without even a pause. He just got this sourpuss look, that made me laugh.

"Well, you remember that."I shook my head and smiled. This is nice. Being with them helped A LOT. It was a nice break from the pain and flowers. 

"Roman, are you ok?" Logan asked pulling me from my thoughts. "You're scratching a lot."

I glanced down at the inside of my wrist to see marks begin to form. I hadn't even realized I was doing that. That's when I spotted it. My eyes went wide and the image began to form. Faylinn told me I didn't have to worry about actually sprouting flowers on the outside. Instead, I'd get these tattoos, for lack of a better word. The more time I spend, the more roses show up, and the more my body starts to reject itself. She told me I may not be Flowerfell frisk, but my hanahaki curse is just as bad.

"Kiddo?" I quickly pulled my sleeve farther down in an attempt to hide it.

"Yeah, I'm good. So what's the plan. I was told we were gonna take a job or something?" 

"Well, for starters, we need to find a new mage."Logan went off about every possible job that our party could successfully do, as long as we found that last party member. I, of course, zoned out. I still find it odd that Logan just showed up at my hotel room. I didn't even think about the possibility of the Sanders Sides being friends and stuff. I just assumed I was on my own. I glanced over at the empty seat that sat beside me. The one thing I noticed right away though. There was no Virgil.

I sat there, staring at the seat and completely ignoring Logan when I heard a crash. We all jumped up to see this big burly guy, sitting on his ass and this girl standing over him, a food tray in her hand.

"Touch my ass again and the next thing you'll see is the inside of a coffin. Do you understand?" The man scoffed and I watched as the girl went to punch him, moving just enough to not hit him but the table beside him. It was practicly splinters after that. "I said... do. you. understand?" He started to mumble under his breath and she frowned. "Sorry, what was that? I don't speak Ass."

"Yes. I understand." She smiled and jumped up off the guy, with a literal pep in her step.

"Goodie... Glad we cleared this up. You aren't my type anyway?" The smirk she had as she watched the guy leave was downright sassy.

"Hey, are you alright?!" Before I knew it, Patton had the girl in a bear hug. Both Deceit and I were laughing our butts off, because of that awkward expression she had the whole time.

"Shouldn't you be asking the guy that?" I said in between laughs. The girl gave me a dirty look and Patton just looked confused. 

"He's fine. He got off easy if you ask me." The girl pulled out a small book from a waist bag and laughed. This can't be a coincidence. There is just no way she showed up here now randomly.

It̨'̶ś ͢v҉e͡r͟y ̀rar̴e ͟fơr͢ t̶h̛i̡n̕gs̷ t͠ò be r̴a͝n̵d́o͝m.҉

"Hey, Logan... I think we just found our mage." She looked capable. She was small but fit. She looked agile and strong. Although her choice in attire might be what set that guy off. She was wearing a purple sports bra with a short black leather jacket, tight black ripped jeans, and brown heels. Her black hair was braided messily and clipped to the side so it fell over her shoulder. What got me was her make up though. White foundation, black lips, and a black smokey under eye... It's almost screaming 'hey look, it's me'.  Virgil is a guy, and he definitely wouldn't wear something so... revealing.

"Hey, you gonna ask me or just assume?"

"You wanna join?" She just smiled and shrugged.

"Sure, got nothing better to do." She just wanted to make it harder on me. Deceit was still laughing. Patton was celebrating a new member, and Logan was making plans. Seems pretty normal, honestly. 

"Hey, kiddo, what do we call you?"

"Oh, uh, well..." She looked like she was thinking about it for a bit. Then she just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I'd prefer to go by Virgil... If you don't mind. Or Virge..."

"NO FUCKING WAY!" I instantly covered my mouth in shock. Virgil looked uncomfortable and Patton was giving me a dirty look over swearing. You know something told me this was him but... I'm confused. Totally confused.

I҉ ͠h͟a̸dn'͏t̛ ex͡p͠ec̕ted̢ ҉h҉i̢m̛ ͝to jus̢t͞ f͏làt ́out̵ s̛ay̸ ͡h̛iş ̢n̛a̡me. ҉I wo̴nder̴ ҉i͝f ̀he͢ ͡figur̶èd it ou̷t a͝lr̀e̕a̧d̶y.͞

"Figured what out already?" I whispered as I watched as everyone pulled Virgil to the side to talk business or whatever. 

Thaţ's ͏s̕om͜e͡th̡in̸g ̷yo͡u n͝e҉ed́ to͜ fígu͘r̕e͡ o̶u̡t̶ ́y̨o͏ur͡s͘el͡f,̵ R̕oman.͘

"Wait so him flat out saying he's Virgil isn't against the so-called rules, but you can't tell me anything about what's going on."

Yo̧ur̵ s̢c͟ra̕tchiņg ͢a̵g̨ain̢.̧̡

"SHIT!" I yelled out and startled everyone. I looked down to see my wrist bleeding from scratching too much. I grabbed a napkin and placed it on my wrist hoping to stop the bleeding. It wasn't even hurting it was just numb. And itchy apparently...

"Hey, you ok there Roman?" I looked over to see Virgil staring at me, concern in his eyes.

"No, Virgil. We are certainly not ok."

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now