Chapter 23: In The Jailhouse Now

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"Ah gentlemen, there you are. My partner and I were wondering when you would return. We were starting to get bored." Theo said after Charley left. Anthony watched the two like a hawk. He didn't trust either of them. He was ready to get out of here, and wished Melanie would've chosen to get him out. Anthony couldn't believe Melanie really did what she did. He was still wrapping his mind around the fact of being stuck at the station overnight. One day was bad enough. But it just had to be forty eight hours. By the way their cell buddies were behaving, Anthony didn't think they would last the full two days. He may have a chance with being an officer. However, he couldn't be so sure on Brian. If Anthony wouldn't of been in the cell with him, he was certain Brian would be dead by now.

"Not interested." Anthony mumbled. He knew he should've just ignored the man. Hope Theo got bored. Instead of adding to provoke it. But unfortunately Anthony's old self was having troubles forgetting that. His old self was itching for a fight. He struggled to show Brian he really did change. And he wasn't the same arrogant kid who walked in his factory. If the other two tried stirring any kind of trouble. Anthony may not start the fight. However, he wouldn't mind finishing it.

Elias snickered a bit as he studied Anthony's reaction. "Aw why the sulky faces?" He asked as he drew closer to the men. Elias crossed his arms across his chest as he eyed Anthony. "I bet you thought you were going to get out of here didn't you? You thought your girl would be the ticket for being released?" As Elias suddenly burst out laughing. Anthony jerked his head up and glared at him. A little confused as he didn't quite get the joke yet. What Elias thought so funny. "She sure put a damper on that one didn't she?" He exclaimed. Elias lifted his hand and placed his pointer finger on his chin. Then raised his eye a bit. Acting as if he was thinking. "Hmm. Let me see. The weather a little cold at home?" He removed his pointer finger from his chin. "Ah!" He said as he flicked his finger slightly forward. "I've got it. Tell me if I'm warm.. Your girl is being unfaithful. And she sees this as her opportunity to ditch you. Of course, I wouldn't blame her. From the looks of it. You don't seem like you have a lot to offer."

Anthony let out a low growl. "Son of a bitch!" He hissed under his breath. Brian could see Anthony was ready to jump at the man's throat. He extended his arm, slamming it hard against Anthony's chest, keeping him from going at Elias. Brian didn't want him getting in even bigger trouble than he already appeared to be. Elias howled with laughter at the reaction. "Did I hit a homerun?" He asked in a taunting voice.

Before anyone had time to react. Brian sent a punch at the man's face. Mostly to save Anthony from making the mistake. For a moment Elias didn't do anything. Too stunned to react. Once it sunk in however. The man laughed even harder. "You guys are pathetic. Is that all you got?" He continued taunting. His attention now on Brian. "Why don't I show you how a real man does it? You might thank me for it later. For by the way it looks.. You fellows might be in here for a while.." Anthony kept his focus on Brian, seeing what he would do. "Not if I can't help it." Anthony muttered.

"You never know whom you might run into.." Elias continued rambling. Ignoring Anthony's comment. As he was doing his best to get another reaction out of Brian. Since he finally had his attention. Though unsure why. Elias thought it would be more of a thrill to get a fight out of the older man. Anthony was easily worked up. And thought it more of a challenge to go after Brian. "You never know who you might piss off." He continued doing his best to provoke the other.

Brian's hands clenched in fists ready for another punch. He felt a little uneasy going up against the younger man. Mostly due to the fact he didn't have knowledge on how he and his partner operated. For all Brian knew, Elias and Theo were in jail for a teamup of a murder. All he and Anthony were in jail for, was because they couldn't figure out a way to settle the score, and they were in there for thinking time. Neither of them had a chance going up against the other mates. But Brian took over for Anthony's sake.

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