
36 1 1

Warning: This is going to be a very triggering chapter, i won't go into detail about the real situation but i will have a little bit in this chapter about what happened.


Tiana's pov

As I woke up to get dressed after me and Michael had that wonderful sex last night, i saw my husband who waw sleeping peacefully.....with his cock out.

"Michael wake up". I said shaking him, and then slapping his cheek lightly( and no not his booty cheek...we will save that for later) and with that he woke up with a smile on his face and beautiful words that is so relatable.

" Why and the hell you wake me up??". He said.

"We need to get off the damn plane, do you want to get off naked?". I told him.

" Fine i'm getting up okay". He got up and got his clothes and while he was doing that i was looking at his dick hanging free making me wetter by the minute, that's when he put clothes on and i got sad.

"Are you ready to have fun on our vacation??". He said  sitting next to me.

" Babe i can't wait". I said.

"Me eitheir it going to be so exciting". Michael said sounding like a kid.
2 hours later( in ha-wee-wee)

Tiana's pov

Me and Michael landed in hawaii to be greeted with dancers and lei's( forgot how to spell it), so finally we got to our beach house it was so wonderful but until we got a visit.

*knock knock*

I opened the door.

"Hello may i help you?". I asked.

" Yes is Mr. Jackson here?". The guy with a camera asked.

"Yes. are you paparazzi?". I said about to close the door on him.

"No i'm LAPD here with another photographer." I asked him to wait here for a second, i went to find Michael who was in the bedroom packing up stuff.

"Michael LAPD is here". I told him, that worried him very much so he went to see what was the deal while i sat back in the bedroom,Michael then came in the room to call his doctor to come to beach house quick.

" Tiana could you please stay in here?". I agreed while Michael took off his stuff and changed into his robe.

I waited in there as i think i heard Michael's doctor come in, but at one moment i put my ear up against the door to hear Michael raging mad.

"Who are you, who is this?". He said clearly upset about what is happening.

45 minutes later

Michael came back to the room not talking and in a upset mood.

" Michael baby are you okay?". I asked.

"No they totally invaded my privacy". He said putting clothes back on himself.

" What did they do Michael ". I asked wrapping my arms around him.

" They took pictures......". He paused. "Of me naked...".

I couldn't believe this, what did Michael just say to me.....why would they do this.

Hey guys i know today's chapter wasn't all magical, but guys this story does take place where all of this stuff happened to him, next chapter will be better.

Kay is outt💋💋❤❤

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