It sucks(untold story of Tiana)

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Tiana POV ( 4 years ago she is 25)

Im on my boyfriends couch he is so nice to me he treats me nice....but everytime he gets drunk...he gets very crazy like he pukes and he get all wanna be....abusive and i don't like that.

I get a notify saying bae.

"hey comer gez meh baie".

"where are you?".

" At johnnie houzze it lit up in hur".

"ok i will get you ok but im like getting tired of this party thing".

" bitch do i care abooout how yu fel abut me noo i dont gut meh so i cood fuck you up".

At this point i was scared because he always does this and when he says fuck you up he means it.
So i get him after his friends pushed him towards me.

"Come bitch let me have some tonight".

" no".
he slaps me i am heartbroken at what he did(even though it's not new im just tired) He jumps on me in front of people recording, and starts ripping off my clothes until i am full butt naked he gets off me and laughs.

"haha you thought i was drunk".

" i thought you loved me?".

A girl came and kissed him, i was so embarrsed i grabbed my ripped clothes that i thought my so called "boyfriend" tore off of me, and went back to his house and got my stuff....but was stopped by HIM. I know he raped me.

"that pussy feel will never have anything as good as me bitch."

The next day

I woke up in a dessert butt ass flipping naked

What the fucking hell!!

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