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Jughead's POV:
I needed to get out of here.

But how? I have no friends, no close family around. Betty would never let me stay at her house.

Then I remembered it, my old treehouse. This treehouse was Archie's, Betty's, and my childhood. We would sit in there and told our secrets and what was going on. It was right in the backyard of Archie's house, so I grabbed some clothes, and headed out.

Once I got there, I climbed up the ladder and walked inside. I put my bag down and looked around. It was bigger then I remember. With a twin sized bed, a little desk, and a tiny bookshelf. I sat down on the bed and pulled off my shoes. I felt more safe and more comfortable here then ever. I pulled off my shirt and got into more comfortable clothes. I laid down and started to hear rustling in the bushes near by. I sighed and looked out a mini window without glass. It was Archie. He climbed up the ladder and came inside.

"Hey, Jug... we need to talk." he said. I nodded and sat on the bed again. "Betty told me about how you aren't as bad as Veronica put you as."

"Yeah, but those were rumors, that you guys believed." I said sadly.

"I know, Jug. And if I could redo freshman year, I would. I would've still been friends with you through all of this." Archie replied.

"So are we cool?" he asked.

I nodded and smiled. He smiled back at me and turned towards the direction of his house, and left.

I woke up the next morning feeling stiff from last night with what my father did to me. I sat up and ignored the pain and got ready for school. I left my bag telling myself to stay here for a couple nights, and I started to walk to school.

Once I got to school, I was bombarded by Veronica. She shoved me up against the lockers right where my dad shoved me yesterday. I tried to show no pain.

"Now Archie too? You've got to be serious." she said and pushed me harder up against the locker. I winced in pain, and she noticed and pushed me harder.

"Veronica? What are you doing?" I heard Betty say behind her.

"Are you hurting him?!" She says a little bit louder.

"It's what he deserves." Veronica replied nastily.

"No, stop." Betty said grabbing Veronica's arm. Veronica finally let go and walked off.

"Are you ok, Jug?" she asked me gently.

I nodded, "I'm used to it by now." I shrugged it off.

"Used to it by now? she questioned. I didn't say anything and just started to walk off.

"Hey, you can't say that and not tell me what happened." she said behind me.

"Listen," I turned around, "It's a long story." I said.

"Well, I'm up for a story." she replied.

"I'll tell you soon, I promise, just not.. right now." I said and turned around walking to class.

The day went by faster then expected. I went to my locker as normal but wasn't stopped by Veronica this time. It was Betty.

"Hey, Jug. Wanna come over and start the project?" she asked me.

I shut my locker and smiled, "Yeah."

We started to walk home, and Betty grabbed my hand.

"Jug, can you please tell me." she asked softly, "We used to tell each other everything."

I sighed, "When I'm ready, Betts."

She smiled at the old nickname and let go of my hand as we were approaching her house. She opened the door, "Hey mom! I'm home with Jughead. We're gonna go upstairs and do our project!" she called from bringing me up the stairs to her room.

When I walked in, I noticed her room hasn't changed one bit.

"I know what you're thinking, it hasn't changed." she said putting her book bag down on the window seat.

"Yeah, it just brings back memories of when we would hang out in here." I said smiling at her.

She smiled and we started to work on the project. It was time when we were reading and I was on her window seat while she was on her bed.

"Have you ever thought of joining the Blue and Gold?" she asked me.

"I guess, but we weren't friends so I never did." I replied.

"Well, I'm asking you to join now." she said happily.

"You really want me there?" I questioned her, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, Juggie, I really do!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her old nickname that she used to call me, and then we got back to reading.

A couple hours went by when Mrs. Cooper knocked on the door.

"Hello Jughead, nice to see you. Are you staying for dinner?" she asked me.

"No, I have to get home soon, but thank you. It's nice to see you too." I replied smiling.

A few minutes later, I packed my bag.

"Are you leaving?" Betty asked me.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty late." I replied.

She ran over and hugged me, " I'll walk you outside." She grabbed my hand and took me downstairs. She opened the door and I started to walk out.

"Juggie?" she asked. I turned around and looked at her. She came outside and closed the door, "Tell me whenever your ready, ok?"

"Ok, Betts." I replied. She smiled and walked into her house. I snuck around Archie's house and went up to the treehouse, making sure no one saw me. The only person that knew I was here, was Archie. I climbed into bed with an empty stomach, and fell asleep.

Betty's POV:
I woke up and quickly pulled up my hair into its iconic ponytail. I put on my jacket and walked to Archie's house. Today was the day!

I knocked on Archie's door and he opened it and smiled.

We started to walk and I grabbed his arm, "I need to tell you something."

He stopped and looked at me, "What's up?" he asked me.

I took a deep breath, "I like you, Archie. We've known each other since preschool. We are so close and I just started to get feelings for you."

He looked at me, "Betty.." he started, "Listen, I love you, but in a friend way..."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, my lip trembling, "Oh... ok." I said and walked back to my house.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

I didn't answer, I just kept walking, not even looking back. I was looking on the ground while tears streamed down my face, and I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said in between tears and started to walk away. I felt a soft hand grab my hand.

"Betts?" he asked me. It was Jughead. I didn't even want to say anything to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to
him. I cried into his chest as he held me.

That's when I realized something.. Jughead was the only one that has cared for me through everything.

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