[ one ]

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[ one | paul lahote ]

Estella Gomez grew up in La Push, been raised by her single father, Jonah Gomez. Her mother, Danielle Indra had left as soon as Estella was born, leaving the hospital in the dead of night. Though, this never bothered Estella, she had her dad and that's all she needed.

It did make her grow annoyed however, that she inherited most appearance aspects from her mother. They both had the same dark chocolate, heavy curls that fell to their slim waist's, the same sun-kissed glow and the same high cheekbones and sharp jawline.

But, she did inherit her dad's wide, ocean blue eyes that stood out against her tanned skin. Odd freckles where sprayed across her skin, creating a constellation of freckles that appeared like stars. A pair of plump lips rested under her button nose, always appearing in a natural, rosy pink pout.

The picture of her mother in her hand was one that Estella hated to look at. Danielle stood with a smirk on her thin red lips while clad in a white bikini, stood on a beach in California, where she and Jonah had met. Her dad stood with an arm slung around her neck, wearing a pair of swim trunks while a happy smile graced his plump lips.

A sigh escaped Estella's chest and she stood to her full height of five-foot-two, tossing the picture frame into a drawer in her desk before walking towards her queen sized bed and sat atop of her pastel yellow knitted blanket that her Aunt Sue had knitted her years ago when she was younger.

The Gomez family where related to the Clearwater family through Sue and Jonah who are half siblings. Estella was mostly close to her cousin, Seth who was only fifteen, while she was a year above him. She never really connected with Leah who had been more focused on her -now- ex fiance, Sam Uley.

Estella pulled her high-top black converse from under the bed and tied them tightly on her feet. She wore a pair of ripped, high-waisted skinny jeans and her dad's old Harvard sweater that was oversized on her small, slender frame. Just by casting a look out her window, she could tell it was cold, and pulled on her jacket.

Walking downstairs of her home, Estella found her dad stood in kitchen, pouring coffee into a tall travel mug. He was dressed in his usual suit and tie, his dark hair slicked back in a stylish yet formal hairstyle. He appeared young for his age of thirty-four, barley any wrinkles dawned his handsome features as Estella never caused him any stress, she was well behaved from a young age.

"Morning, papa." Estella greeted, grinning from ear to war and he smiled down at her small figure that wrapped around his taller one.

"Morning, mija, sleep well?" Jonah asked, setting the coffee down to hug his only child.

"I did, did you?" She asked pointedly, knowing that her dad was a light sleeper and that there was a storm last night, it would've shocked her if her slept at least four hours.

Jonah smiled at her concern and cupped her heart shaped face in his large, callous hands. Their identical eyes met briefly before he planted a warm kiss to her forehead, then brought her to look up at him. Her eyes where as wide as usual and gave her a look of innocence, reminding him of a baby doe.

"Don't you worry about me, c'mon, we don't wanna be late do we, mija?" Jonah asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, a teasing grin on his face.

"No, we don't." She confirmed.

Turning on her heel, Estella grabbed a tub of chopped fruit from the refrigerator, a granola bar and her bottle of icy cold water, placing both in her bag that the pulled onto one of her slender shoulders. The duo walked out the house and got inside of Jonah's sleek, matte black Audi, the leather interior smelt fresh from a recent cleaning but still held the familiar scent of the Gomez home.

On the ride to school, Estella ate her granola bar and sipped some of her water, listening to the magical voice's of Queen, a band that she and her dad both adored. Jonah drummed his fingers on the steering while while his head bounced slightly to the beat. Estella giggled at the sight and he grinned.

Arriving at the old brick building, Estella reached over and pecked her dad's cheek before climbing out the car with a wave and a smile. The car drove away and Estella released a silent sigh she didn't even realise she was holding in.

It wasn't that she hated school, she found her lessons quite easy actually but she didn't have any solid friends. Sure, her desk partners in class might talk to her but she never had any friends to sit with during lunch. She instead, sat in the school library where she ate her lunch and completed most of her homework.

Estella walked inside the building and headed straight for her locker. The blue paint was chipping but still worked perfectly fine, only making a small squeak as she opened the door to retrieve her AP math and AP Spanish text books. If she was lucky, she'd have enough credit to graduate at the end of the year which she was hoping for.

An unusual feeling washed over her and when she looked around at her surroundings, Estella found a tall, tanned boy with short hair and a tattoo on his upper arm staring at her but when their eyes connected, Estella felt a strange connection to him and forced herself to look away.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and Estella blushed deeply at the thought of a handsome boy staring at her. She faintly recognised him as a boy in his senior year, called Paul Lahote, but he looked different from when she previously had seen him, he once was lanky with long hair and a baby face but all of that was gone. She was jerked from her thoughts when a body shoved hers against the lockers.

"Watch it, short ass." A voice sneered and she flushed with embarrassment.

"S-Sorry." She apologised and looked down at her feet, hearing the owner of th voice and his friends all snickering and laughing as they walked past her.

A loud slam was heard and Estella jumped, looking up to find that Paul Lahote had shoved the boy who had slammed into her, against the row of lockers, he was shaking with anger and Estella's eyes widened at the sight.

Estella hated attention and drama, she didn't want anyone to get into trouble for her, and that's why she hurried forwards and gently grasped Paul's wrist, her fingers could barley wrap around his warm, russet skin. In an instant, the shaking left his body and he looked down at her with a soft gaze in his eyes.

"P-Please don't hurt each other." She pleaded, stuttering over her words.

Paul pulled away and sent a harsh, terrifying glare at the boy who shrinked back in pure fear, this made a small amount of amusement drift inside of Estella's stomach. She felt embarrassment overcome the amusement and hurried away with burning cheeks.

[1] constellation | p.lahoteWhere stories live. Discover now