Chapter 5

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I walked into class a bit early and saw that Kiba, Sasuke and Shino were already there. I walked over to Kiba, not even glancing at Sasuke as I passed, and sat infront of him on his desk.

"Hiya Kiba-kun!" I said with a big smile and my tail wagged a bit from side to side. His cheeks suddenly flamed up and his ears turned red, his eyes widening as he started to twiddle with his thumbs. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, "Something wrong?" I asked him, slightly concerned for his health.

He mumbled something and I tried to lean forward to hear it clearly. "No no, nothing at all Yuki" he said as he pulled his hood a bit over his face, trying to hide his red cheeks.

Akamaru started making a weird sound that sounded a lot like 'dog laughing'. He was looking at Kiba from under his jacket and I reached my hands out to him, momentarily forgetting about my worries.

He wiggled out of Kiba's jacket and sprang into my arms. "Hi Akamaru! Do you know what's wrong with Kiba?" I asked him. He started to bark at me when Kiba grabbed him from my arms and held his jaw closed.

I bursted out laughing at his tomato coloured face, "No need to worry Kiba-kun! I don't even speak dog... yet!" I said with a giggle.

I turned around and saw that the kids started to trickle in and climbed off of his desk, "Well gotta go to my seat before it's taken, see ya later!" I said as I walked over to Sasuke. As I reached him I looked over to Kiba and shouted, "We should really hang out some time!".

He gave me a large grin and Akamaru yipped in glee. I sat down with a huff and tried to copy Sasuke's position. "What are you doing?" he asked in his monotone/emo voice. "Oh you now, trying to act like your gloomy duckass self" I said with a smirk.

I think I'm gonna try and save this duck from flying off.

Oh boy

He got an irk mark and was about to say something when the doors burst open and Sakura and Ino came barging through. They were both screeching in a volume my ears couldn't take as they argued.

"I won!"

"Yeah right Ino pig! I had to look over my shoulder to see you a mile behind me! I was at least a toe infront of you!"

I groaned as I banged my head against the table and clamped my hands over my ears. I squeezed my ears against my head in vain as I tried to stop the annoying voices from bombarding my sensitive eardrums.

They kept on bickering and when they got to the table where Sasuke and I sat they started to shout at me to move.

Yeah forget about Sakura being my friend, at least not until she gets over her fangirl phase. If that even happens now that I'm here.

I growled, "Shut the hell up! Gosh! You guys are so annoying! No wonder this emo duckass doesn't like any of you!" I shouted, my ears not being able to take anymore of their screeching.

Just then Naruto popped out of no where and was standing in front of Sasuke, on his desk in a crouched position. "Yeah I don't get what you guys see in him? He's not so great!" Naruto said while glaring at the last Uchiha.

Sasuke glared back at him and they inched closer to eachother. They held a staring contest that practically had electricity and static sparking between them, making me roll my eyes.

I sighed as I held up three fingers and counted to three, "One, two... wait where's my phone?!", I quickly dug through my bag and managed to pull out the small box shaped device and switched it on.

I opened the camera setting and pointed the camera at the two just as a kid behind Naruto turned around and bumped into him, which caused the poor blond to fall forward.

Falling into Naruto, literally!!Where stories live. Discover now