Chapter 14

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So far we had missions that were actually just chores, but Naruto managed to find a way to mess each one up, as usual.

First we had to pluck weeds from an old lady's garden so that her herbs could grow, but of course, Naruto got competitive with Sasuke and started to pull out all the weeds and the plants from the ground. In the end, Naruto got a beating from the old lady and received a black eye.

Kakashi had to hold me back from attacking and pummeling the old lady when she had laid a hand on my best friend, even if I was injured, I could still squash her with my pinky! I was absolutely livid, but of course I couldn't hurt her because of the whole damn ninja code or something.

Next we had to pick up trash from a river, in which I stayed as far away from as I possibly could, clinging onto Kakashi so tightly that I nearly choked him when ever he went so much as five feet near the water. He then had to settle down underneath a tree a couple of dozen feet from the water, and only then was I finally able to relax.

It was relaxing at first, listening to the birds that were singing and the sound of the waterfall was just right for background noise, except for the screaming between my teammates in the water. Kakashi and I were huddled underneath a tree, the perv reading his Icha Icha book whilst I simply played with his hair, finding it incredibly soft despite its spikey appearance.

And then Naruto slipped and went over the waterfall, nearly giving me another heart attack, but Sasuke managed to catch him just as he went over, much to my and everyone's relief. I couldn't stop shaking after that, so Sakura walked me towards the next mission point whilst Kakashi went to talk to - or more like scold - Naruto and maybe even Sasuke.

The next mission was where we had to walk dogs, I wanted to walk one too but when I tried to pick one, nearly all of them jumped on me. Guess I was a dog person, hence the tail and ears. I eventually settled on a big dog, the Weimaraner was surprisingly very gentle and obedient, despite the warnings the people gave us about him.

Naruto chose the biggest dog they had and after Sasuke and Sakura chose theirs, we went outside. We were just casually walking through the forest, but Naruto seemed to be struggling with his dog which didn't even so much as bat an eye at the small ninja. Which led to the oversized bulldog dragging Naruto under an opening in a electric fence, and then continued to drag him through a minefield.

I of course tried to go help him, but when I jumped from Kakashi's grasp, Sasuke grabbed me around the waist and held me in place. I didn't even try to protest, my body already weak from that single jump I made. Naruto eventually came back all crispy and I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing, the dog seeming to be smirking as well as it sat beside the burnt ninja.

Sakura and Sasuke had to help him walk back after taking the dogs back to their owners, and neither of them were pleased with it. I wanted to see if he was alright but Kakashi refused to set me down, much to my complaint.

"Unbelievable, look at you. You're hopeless, Naruto!" Sakura muttered as she and Sasuke dragged Naruto down the street. "Hmm, you really are just one big problem" Sasuke said with a smirk and I let out a growl, "Leave him alone Duckbutt! At least he's got a sense of humour!" I said and Sasuke let out a "Tsk" before turning his head away.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted as he ripped himself from their grasp and was about to launch himself at his rival, but Sakura stopped him, "If you keep this up I'll finish you off myself!" she shouted and I growled lowly at her.

"And if you touch one precious golden hair on his head I'll strangle you!" I hissed and she instantly backed down with a soft, "Sorry!". Kakashi sighed, "Guess we're not making a lot of progress on the teamwork thing, huh?" he said and I shrugged my shoulders, "Not my fault. Sakura's a fangirl who's only goal is to get Sasuke to like her, Sasuke is too full of himself to bother with anyone else and Naruto... well, I don't really see a problem with him other than his over competitiveness" I said and Sakura glared at me.

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