Chapter 17

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( A/N Guys, I'm so sorry for the late updates and no updates these last few weeks... month(s)?, BUT! I finally will have more time for myself, more or less, still have to keep the family happy by - and I qoute - "Get out into the sun, you look horribly white! You need fresh air! Go and party, yada yada yada"... amongst other things. Anyways, Ima have to do a recap of the anime, since I just want to get my head back in the game, but here's an extra long chapter so long, hope ya'll enjoy!)

I froze as all the attention was directed on to me. Oh my Gosh... so many ninjas... why are they all glaring at me? I' didn't even do anything!...yet. I started to inch my way to the right, trying to keep a neutral face as to not alert anyone of my slight panic. However, it was for naught as I let out a squeak when the doors behind me suddenly opened, the rest of my former team barging in and nearly crashing into me.

"Hey, watch it!" I huffed as Sakura almost stepped onto my foot, instinctively growling at her. "Well, get out of the way!" she shouted and I snarled, her tone of voice immediately grinding on my nerves. They all suddenly froze when they noticed the stares, Sakura's mouth clamping shut whilst my growl died out in an undignified squeak when a murderous aura filled the air, targeted right at us.

I huffed at them before beginning to march off, only to slam right into Shikamaru as he had moved up to stand beside me. He managed to grab onto me and steadied us both before we could fall over, muttering a, "How troublesome" in the process. I couldn't help but let out a giggle in which he stared at me with surprise, not expecting the pleasant sound.

I apologized before continuing on my quest to find a secluded corner for myself, wanting to just collect myself before we received the first test. I didn't want to draw anymore attention to myself, not more than I already have, at least. I sighed, nervously sliding on the wall as I tried to keep at least three feet between myself and any and all contestants. However, I nearly jumped when one of them thrust a long senbon needle in my direction, causing laughter to break out over the room at my distressed gasp.

I scowled at the senbon wielding girl, my lips curling upwards in a snarl as I pushed down on the growl I wanted to let out. And luckily, after another attempt of someone trying to stab me with something, I spotted an open space, not a person close to it, but the only problem was... Gaara was the only one sitting there. Everyone was giving him a wide berth, leaving an open space of at least a ten meter radius around the boy.

I debated the pros and cons of the situation, knowing Gaara and personality. He was a good boy... deep, deep, deep down, that is. He had a soft heart, but it was currently surrounded with layers upon layers of walls, chains and anything hard to stop people from getting in, from hurting him again. He just needed a friend, and Naruto became his first ever friend, he also helped him to reconnect with his family... and I wanted to be friends too, so... I shrugged as I walked over to him, keeping my body lax and trying to look non-threatening, although I doubted I was much of a threat in the first place. 

His gaze immediately shifted over to my approaching form and I stopped when I reached him, "Mind if I join you?" I asked, but he kept silent, his gaze never leaving mine. Instead his eyes narrowed, becoming slightly darker as his bloodlust soon rose into the air, clearly trying to scare me off. To some degree, I was scared, especially of this Gaara, as he was still the unstable, blood thirsty killing machine like in the beginning of the series. But I was determined to make this panda my friend.

I saw his sand slowly slip out of his gourd and wrap around my leg, scratching at my skin in a warning. I simply stayed calm and even took a bold move by sitting down beside him, not at all looking like he scared me, even though my heart was currently beating in my throat. He looked at me with surprise before his sand retracted back into the gourd, slowly moving across the ground and up his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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