Chapter 12

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I coughed up blood, my hand gripping onto Kakashi's arm, his hand placed onto my chest where my heart once stood healthy and strong. Blood spattered the floor and the mirror next to us, the dogs around Zabuza disappearing as Haku had thrown needles at it as he had appeared.

No one uttered a word, frozen in utter horror as I hanged mid air, skewered by the very arm of my sensei and friend. I couldn't even bring myself to look up at Kakashi, knowing that this would probably be much worse on him... at least, from what I've heard of his past.

Blood spurted from my mouth again and I hunched over, my hands feebly trying to hold the shaking arm still, "W-why? Why did you save me?" Haku asked as he stared at me, I looked over my shoulder at him and Zabuza, "I understand you two...*cough* I.... I k-know that you guys a-aren't really the b- *splutter* bad guys... you're just misunderstood" I croaked out and Zabuza's eyes widened.

"You're an idiot, kid" he said as he stared at me sadly, his eyes sweeping over my paling figure. "I k-know how much you c- *cough* care about Haku, Zabuza... he's precious to you... *gasps* he's the only precious person in your life to you.... I don't want someone to take that away from you... I h-had no one where I grew up..." I gasped for breath as I felt blood rise in my throat before splurting it all out onto the ground, my body heaving and spasming.

I turned to a horrified Kakashi, his eyes grew glossy as he pulled me into his chest, lowering me as gently as he could, onto the ground. He still held onto me, refusing to let go, or too shocked to try and move. " Yuki... I-... I didn't mean to..." Kakashi stared at his hand in utter horror and disbelief.

I cupped his face in my shaking hand and he leaned into the touch, tears threatening to spill from his eye. "It's not your fault Kashi... I knew what... was going to happen... I... I d-don't blame you" I said, my breaths coming out in gasps, my shirt now soaked in my blood. My tail layed limp by my side, my wings drooping and my ears laying limply on the sides of my head.

"I... I knew what I w-was getting into... I c-couldn't just... just... watch someone else die today. Zabuza needs him... and he needs Zabuza... just like the team needs you and you need us... I'm sorry for forcing you to do this... for not... being stronger" I said before the pain slowly started to fade away.

"Please don't leave me... you can't leave me too" Kakashi said as a tear rolled down his face and I smiled softly, "Who ever said I was leaving you?" I whispered before closing my eyes and drifting off into darkness.



3rd POV:

Kakahi slowly layed down Yuki's body on the ground, his hands refusing to let go of her still warm body, but he knew he had to check on his other students first.

"What? No... Yuki!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards the lifeless body of his best friend. He sank on his knees beside her and took her into his arms, "No! You can't leave us! Not you too!" Naruto cried as he buried his face into her hair.

Kakashi stiffened when Sakura ran up beside him with Tazuna, "Yuki! What happened?!" she yelled as she sat on her knees on the other side of the silent girl, blood covering her body which Naruto held tightly in his grasp. The boy didn't seem to notice, or perhaps he didn't care, that his clothes were being soaked in blood. Instead he continued to hold the girl even tighter, fat tears rolling over his round, soft cheeks.

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