Chapter 11

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A/N  I am so sorry for not updating the last - what? Month? Two months?   It's been hectic and I am officially so done with school and my lazy, unmotivated ass. Don't get me wrong, I'd write and read books as much as I could (if I had the chance and wasn't feeling so stressed). So a lot of shit's happened. My grandpa (who is also a doctor, not to mention a stubborn man that isn't afraid of swearing or telling you if something is bothering him - like he's straightforward), he ended up in ICU becuase of corona (he has bad lungs after smoking for so long - it's ironic, seeing as he is a doctor and all). He was extremely weak and we actually had to go to see him on sunday becuase things weren't looking good (it was the first time I've heard that my grandpa, stubborn and as strong as a mule, was literally laying on his deathbed). Longs story short, he's okay now, he got over the virus but the problem was that he was behind on fluids (dehydrated).

And during this, I found that some of my schoolwork was never sent through to my teacher, and it's assignments that count points. Nearly cried, and I do not cry, like at all, if I can help it. Not to mention that we had to sell the farm... threats and people being murdered all around us, one of our neighbours were even attacked, but he survived and if I remeber correctly, they caught the almost murderers... or whatever you call people who are killing farmers and "boere". So it wasn't safe for us there anymore. I grew up on that farm... we had it ever since I was small (like toddler years). I'm worried about our dogs (that live on the farm), since we don't have enough space up in our current house (we've already got like 5 dogs, Yorkshires) and our appartment also doesn't allow dogs. Not to mention we adopted (more like rescued) a new puppy from people who my parents's friend knew. She's the first dog that I owned that actually liked to cuddle and sleep against or on you at night, she also follows me around. (Should I put up a pic of her on one of the chapters?)

So that's just some of the things that are currently happening, but I'm determinded to continue my two books, I've already started to finish and edit the next few chapters. And if any of you have any ideas for my book, please tell me, I'm open to ideas. Enjoy extra long chapter!

Haku stepped into one of the mirrors, his body merging with the ice. I watched as a reflection of Haku appeared on each and every mirror, making it nearly impossible for us to determine which one's the real Haku. It was like standing in one of those mirror rooms in a huanted or freaky house they would put up in a carnival, except, usually the person inside was your reflection.... and they didn't try to kill you.

"Now, we'll begin. And I'll show you what speed really means" Haku said and I growled, "Oh yeah? Bring it on!" I shouted, watching as each Haku in one of the mirrors picked up three needles, the metal glinting in the light before being thrown at us.

I managed to dodge them all with the help of my kunais that deflected the ones that managed to get too close for liking. He hadn't thrown them too fast but the amount he threw made it hard to dodge them all. It might have been doable for me, but Sasuke was getting hit from ever angle, not being able to keep up.

I ran over to him and tried to protect him the best I could, receiving a few needles as I did. It was now a lot harder, having to now protect both and myself Sasuke from the onslaught of needles. And from the distraction, my focus wasn't focused completely on myself, instead I was more focused on my teammate. And that's what caused me to suddenly cry out when a needle lodged itself deep into my shoulder, my limb bursting into tingles, somewhat feeling like my arm was being pricked my thousands of small needles. My whole arm went numb and dropped down to my side, useless.

"Sasuke! Yuki!"

"Hang on!"

I ripped out the needle and continued to deflect the incoming needles as best I could, with only one hand it was impossible to deflect them all, but I wasn't about to give up that easily. Sasuke tried to help, even going as far as to try and block my body with his. It was sweet, out of character for him, but still sweet.

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