Chapter 8

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"Look at this knife! Does it look clean to you?" my father asked as he pointed at a small smudge on the knife, which wasn't actually dirty but how the knife was coloured.

I knew better than to argue so I simply shook my head, "I guess you have to be taught a lesson, you never seem to learn though... so how 'bout we take it up a notch hmm?" he said with a smirk as he switched on the stove. The small blue flames danced around the knife which he placed in the middle and I shivered in fear as I realised what he was gonna do.

"Take off your shirt" he said, not even looking at me to see if I would do it. I whimpered but did as I was told, not wanting to make him any angrier.

"Turn around"

I turned around and hugged myself as I saw him take the now red, steaming knife from off the flames. "Now I want you to be a good girl and not make a noise. We don't want to bother the neighbours, now do we?" he said as he pressed the boiling hot knife against my back.

I bit down on my arm as the tears streamed down my face upon contact from the knife. I tasted blood on my tongue but couldn't even feel the pain as my father started to dig the knife into my back before placing it back into the flames. He then placed the knife against another spot in my back and dug around a bit, my body instinctively jerking away from the action.

"Please father, stop... it hurts" I whimpered and cried through my teeth, my arm muffling my voice. "Hmm? You know how I hate the mumbling and the talking back! Tsk, it's about time I stopped going easy on you" he growled.

This time he took out another, larger knife and placed both of them onto the flames. When he placed them against my back I couldn't help but let a scream escape my lips from the searing pain.

His laughs filled the air, relishing in my pain filled screams as his eyes flashed red for a moment.


I woke up with a start as tears streamed down my face, fear coursing through my veins as I hugged my shaking body. My eyes darted around and I felt my chest tighten yet again.

No no! Not now! Please! Not with the others here!

It's okay Yuki

Calm down, it was just a dream

He's gone Yuki, he won't hurt you ever again

I gasped and clawed at my chest as I curled into a ball. I whimpered and let out pain filled yelps as I couldn't seem to get enough air into my lungs.

My ears flattened against my head and I let out a sob, my tail wrapping itself around my leg as it puffed up from fear.

I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me and bring me into a chest, a yelp leaving my lips from the sudden action. "Shh, breath. Just breath, do it with me" Sasuke said and I managed a nod. He took in a deep breath and I tried to take a slightly larger breath from my short pants. He then blew out slowly and I copied as best I could, trying to focus on his movements.

We continued to do this and he rubbed my ears softly with one hand whilst the other rubbed my back as I sat on his lap. My legs moved to wrap themselves around his waist, my body pressing against him as I tried to get as close to him as I could. My head was burried into the crook of his neck, trying to wrap myself in his warmth as he helped me slow my breaths.

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