Chapter 10

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Bakugou and I got ready within 5 minutes and made a mad dash towards the school. Within time the familiar sign reading 'class 1-A' appeared Bakugou basically threw the door open only for the whole class to sample there attention to us including Aizawa sensei. "Where have you been?" He asked in his usual raspy voice. "Slept in." The ash blonde beside me muttered before wandering over to his desk and flopped down. Aizawa glanced at both of us once more before telling me to sit down and continued with his lesson on the history of hero's. Through out the whole lesson my mind and eyes kept finding themselves devoured by the stunning blonde. He currently had his head resting on the desk with his arms in front of his face so only his peircing red eyes could be seen. Although he was looking at the board I couldn't help but feel as if he was elsewhere. "Okay, so the project is due next week so pick your partner before the end of the day." Aizawa grumbled while picking up his sleeping bag. Crap. I thought. Did I really stare at Bakugou for nearly two hours. My thoughts were interrupted by a rustle beside me and a tap on my shoulder. "Hm?" I directed my attention to the owner of the tap and my eyes were met with a comfortable pair of red eyes. "Partners?" He said more of a statement than question. "Sure."I beamed. "My room after dinner. Be there." He said befor walking away to lunch leaving me with a faint blush painted my cheeks.

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