Part 15 i think

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"Mama, this is Katsuki." I felt kiri squeeze my hand. The woman in front of us was still. He black hair not moving and her plump face unreadable as her crimson eyes scanned me up and down. I prepared myself for the worst but then the woman smile flashing her sharp teeth. "Oh Ei he's adorable!" Before either of us could react she began hugging me and pinching my cheeks. I look over at kiri, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden contact. He offered me a reassuring smile. She pulled away and introduced herself "Welcome to the family Katsuki, you can call me Shitashi! You two must be starving come come I made lunch." Kiri flashed me a smile before grabbing my hand and directing me to what I presume was the dining room. "So how did you guys meet?" The happiness in her voice was clearly there even if she wasn't facing us. "We are in the same class." I look at kiri practically begging for him to help me out because we both know I suck ass at social situations. "Yeah Kat was pretty closed off but with enough Eijirou charm we became friends. One day I touched him and boom turns out we're soulmates all along." Kiri told his mum. I like her. She seems nice. "Awww cute," please don't become a fangirl "How long have you been together? Have you gone out on any dates yet? Is Eijirou a pain? How many people know? Is-" .fangirl. "Mom calm down, one question at a time please... Also I'm not a pain, im an absolute delight! Right Kat?"
"Sure Ei, whatever you say." Kirishima's mum and I shared a glance before she started laughing and Kiri whined. At that I couldn't help laughing as well.

—POV swap—

His laugh. Holy crap is this what heaven sounds like?!? Everything is going so great, mama likes Bakugou, actually that's an understatement, I can tell she already loves him. Disputes being put in a social situation here he is laughing along too. I want to- "Earth to Eijirou." I'm cut out of my thoughts by mamas hand waving in my face. "Huh? Sorry I zoned out for a sec, what did you say mama?" She rolls her eyes and let's out a small chuckle. "I asked how hungry you are ya big doof." Kat grins at me. "Oh I'm not too hungry." I absentmindedly reply while in a trance, he's so hot. Holy fuck please never stop smiling. I'm a gay mess. "Hey Ei you okay? You looking a bit red there." He smirks at me, bastard knows I'm fine. "Oh are you not feeling well baby? There's panadol in the cupboard." I love my mum but she's really clueless sometimes. "No I'm fine ma,". The oven pings, thank fuck, an excuse to change the subject.

"Oh and Ei, you might wanna leave before 3. Your dads coming over."

I drop my fork. "What!"

Hello readers, I'm very sorry for slow updates. Tbh I forgot wattpad existed and on top of that I have no inspiration and I've fallen back into depression. I might end the story soon I might not. Again sorry for slow updates and please stick with me because I will make it so the story has a finish and not just quit like a lot of other stories do. Laters.

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now